7/2/2023 8:13 PM
Yoyoyo whaddup guys. I'm back again. So, I was able to go outside and swing again. Lovely. Awesome. Nice. Thinking of more words to describe my swinging experience. Anyways, ended up discovering a new song that I'm addicted to. The song is called Blacksphere. I don't know who created it, but I know it's called Blacksphere. And I love the song. I think I might listen to Blacksphere first whenever I'm outside swinging again. That's how much I like Blacksphere. If you haven't heard Blacksphere yet, search it up on YouTube. It sounds awesome. Speaking of YouTube, time for me to tell you about the YouTube video I'm watching this time! The video I'm watching this time is... Wait, I forgot. I'm not watching YouTube this time! OH MY GOD! THE WORLD IS ABOUT TO END! Instead, I'm in a discord call with someone else and just listening to them. The person I'm with right now is named Poland. No, not the country Poland. The guys name on Discord is Poland. I don't know why you would name yourself Poland. You had every country in the entire world, and you chose Poland. That, is a country for sure. Poland just started sharing his screen on Discord. I looked at his screen, and it's a PM 6:06 Fangame. It's a game I made pretty recently. Basically, you solve codes and type them on a codepad. That's it. Each level you pass, the game gets harder and harder, like every game that ever existed. There's this one level that he struggles on, and he's currently on it right now. Ok I got bored of listening to Poland so I decided to grab my phone and load up YouTube. Now, the YouTuber I'm watching is XboxAddictionz. I know his name's not XboxAddictionz anymore, but I'm watching his old videos, which back then his name was XboxAddictionz. I'm watching this one video named Mic-chewing 9 Year Old Trolled By Herobrine. Anyways, the video is pretty funny and entertaining to watch. I know that everytime I rate a YouTube video, I say it's entertaining. But that's because all of the videos are entertaining. I wouldn't be watching the video if it weren't entertaining, but because it's entertaining, I'm watching the video. Remember Dorito night? I had a Dorito night last night. Ate Doritos and drank Coca-Cola. I had a fun night. Well, not really. I just sat down in my bed and watched YouTube videos while eating Doritos and drinking Coca-Cola. So not really that entertaining, but the video were entertaining. Now, back to Poland. Poland is still struggling on the same level. I don't know if he has a disability or not, but he really can't solve the level he's currently on. I don't know about you, but that sounds like a skill issue. He's trying to dance clip outside of the map, but he doesn't know that I made the walls thick. He also said that he might use exploits. After he said that, I ended up adding an anti exploit system into the game just to troll him even more. I don;t know why, but I like to see him suffer for no reason other than to troll him. Maybe there's a problem with me, I'm not too sure. Maybe I should go to the doctor to see if I have problems. Just came back from the doctor and after I asked them if I have problems, they did a check up on me and they said I'm all good. They asked me why I think I had problems. So I told them that I like to see my friends suffer. Then they just looked at me with a weird look. Anyways, that whole trip to the doctor was fake btw. I made up that entire story. I didn't actually go to the doctor, and tell them that I like to see my friends suffer. Anyways, Poland stop sharing his screen. I think he rage quitted. Oops I mean gave up. You're probably thinking that he rage quitted, but it reality, it didn't sound like he rage quitted. Poland sounded pretty chill when he stopped sharing his screen. Another thing. only two days left until 7/4/2023. That means in two days, I get to go to Holiday World! YAAAAAAY! Oops, I spammed characters again. Well, it wasn't a lot of characters, so I think I'm in the clear. Also, it's been a few days since I created this LTE and I'm not on the LTE list. I don't know why. Maybe Mckenzie hasn't noticed or heard about this LTE, or maybe he/she doesn't want to add my LTE to the list. I believe it's the first reason. Oh boy. I can hear fireworks outside my window right now. I really want to go outside and look at them, but I'm currently typing an entry, so now I'm sad. :( Awww, now the fireworks stopped coming. Waaaaaa. Now Poland let the call. Everything is falling apart now. Now time for a little game! Let's type some random characters and see what they turn into! First character: ( ♪ ) Music Note. So what do have here? The letter a trademarked? Even the letter a made it's own trademark logo. TM became TMa. What does the a stand for though? TradeMark...Awesome? I don't even know anymore. That was the a's decision. Moving on! Second character: ( δ ) Lowercase Delta. This one isn't really interesting. All we got was a letter I followed by an apostrophe. Nothing interesting. The whole point of this is to find new and interesting characters I've never seen before. Lowercase Delta, you're the loser! Next one! Third character: ( þ ) Thorn. Here's a more interesting character. That letter A followed by a 3/4 sign. Something more interesting, but we're not trying to learn math right now. So let's move on. Fourth character: ( ☺ ) Happy Face. At this point, there's always gonna be a letter at the start of every character, so we're just gonna ignore that. More interesting characters. A tilda which isn't that unique, and another letter exponent. This time, the letter o. What is will letter turning themselves into exponents? Like seriously. You guys are making math more confusing. Hopefully math scientists don't know about letter exponents, or we'll be in a lot of trouble. I'm so scared that Imma stop talking about letter exponents and move on to our next character. Fifth character: ( ↓ ) Down Arrow. Look at that, another unique character! And a good one at that. It's a good thing that these unique characters are staying christan. Yea, that "letter t" is actually a... Dagger? Are you kidding me? So, what I thought was a christan cross, was actually a dagger this whole time? I feel violated... How is that even possible? Try it for yourself! Copy and paste the "dagger" and search it up on something like Google. You will get a dagger. I am not making this up. Even when you look at it close up, it's made from complete straight lines. The tip of the dagger doesn't even sharpen like how it's supposed to. No! I've had enough of this monstrosity! I'm moving on! Sixth character: ( ♥ ) Heart. Another unique character. What you are looking at is the Yen and Yuan sign. Or in other words, the Y with two lines on it. Yea, not really much else to say about it. Seventh character: ( æ ) ae. So, what even is that? It looks like two vertical lines on top of each other. 100% accurate description. So, the actual name of that character is called a Broken Bar. The character is basically what it's name says, a broken bar. How fun! Now, next character! Eighth character: ( ╦ ) Box Drawings Double Down and Horizontal. Everything looks the same, except now we have a random dot third wheeling in the direct center. Just a huge circle, that's all. Now time for English class. That huge dot interrupting the letter a and broken bar's privacy is a bullet dot. Basically, when making a list of things, a dot will appear next ot each thing on the list. If not, then maybe a square, or a dash, or just some random symbol. Now time to move on! Ninth character: ( ツ ) Tsu. This time, the character is a Japanese character. The character is the smiley face one. And what this character holds is a big lowercase f for failure. Nah I'm just kidding ha! What the letter f actually stands for is Florida. Oh, did I say Florida? I mean Florin. It's also used in math. ƒ has been used to denote mathematical functions, or to indicate aperture in photography (e.g. ƒ/2.8) in place of the more common italic f (in serif fonts) or oblique f (in sans-serif fonts). You can thank Google for letting me copy and paste that entire explaination. Now, for the final character on our list. We're gonna take some of the unique character that came from characters on this list and put them all into one. Are you ready? I am! And I hope you are too! Let's go! Tenth characters: ( ™ª¾º†¥¦•ƒ ) Trademark, Letter a Exponent, 3/4 symbol, Letter o Exponent, Dagger, Yen and Yuan sign, Broken Bar, Bullet Dot, Florin. I just got finished putting all of the symbols into one, and I have not looked at it yet. I just looked at the character, and I gotta say, I was a little let down. I was expecting a lot of random character I haven't seen yet, but some of them are ones I'm seen. Some character are new, but they aren't really that interesting. I would copy down that string of letter and put them here but, that's a bit too long. Anyways, let's begin. First new character is the cent symbol. If you've been shopping at least once before, then you know what the cent symbol is. Next new symbol is the Euro symbol. This is another symbol for currency. 1 euro costs 1.09019 dollars in the US. So there's a little fun fact I guess. And the final new symbol is the AE symbol. This is basically the uppercase version of the seventh character on this list. It's basically the same thing as the lowercase version. And with that, we have finally gotten through ten character holding the most weird and unique symbol out there! Maybe I'll do more symbol in later entries, because that was actually pretty fun. Also, about half of this entry is just the list of characters. Ok justintheproroblox is streaming so I'm gonna watch his stream. Alright now the hide button is showing again. Man, second entry in a row that has the hide button. I think the hide button appears if you have over 10K (10,000) characters. So I guess I'm doing a good job. Anyways, Imma head out for tonight. It's currently 10:15 PM for me, and I might have a Dorito night in a little bit. I'll let you know in the next entry. But for now, Imma head out and I'll see you later!
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