11/2/2023 3:18 PM

Almost 4 months. ALMOST, 4, ENTIRE, GODDAMN, MONTHS, and no entry. And back then, I was typing actively like that. But anyways, welcome to the long awaited 9th entry of Falcon's LTE! So, since I made a return and I'm typing again, I'm gonna have to get back into the swing of things. You know, getting to 10K characters? Oh crap my two cats just started fighting each other as I was typing. I dont know why they fight. If I haven't told you yet, I have two cats: One named "MahMoud" and one named "Simon", but most of the time I call Simon "Baby Kitty". Now back to the current topic. No idea why they both fight each other. They prabably fight at least once everyday. Its like MahMoud is just chilling around, and then Simon comes up to MahMoud and just starts having beef with him. Really dumb. Anyways, time for the weather! It's now getting to that time of year. No more fun and games outside, and no more swimming, as it's getting to cold outside. In three days, all clocks will be shifting an hour back due to keeping up with the time it turns dark. Also, the leaves from trees are starting to fall to the ground as well due to fall/autumn. Get it? Leaves are FALLING, we're in FALL season? My dog just sneeze in the other room, so I think that means my jokes are terrible, or maybe she just had the sneeze. On the topic of sneezing, here's a terrifying fact: Your heart actually stops beating for a second when you sneeze. Crazy, right? It's like while sneezing, you die for a second, then you wake back up all like lalala nothing happened. So remember, next time you sneeze, just know that you're heart stopped beating for a second. Simon just hopped onto the couch I'm on, and is now walking around me as I type this. He just walked around my lap for the second time. What does he think he's doing? He tried clawing my legs, but I stopped him. Now, he's laying next to my left leg. I'm narrating al of this as it's happening right now. So whatever Simon does, I'm typing it down in real time. Ain't that cool? Here's something cool. On 9/13/2023, the LTE list/hub site got updated and some new LTE's were added, one of which is my LTE! YAY! I can now let people know that I exist. Anyways, it currently says it's active, so I better type this quick to keep it active if it's not already dead at this point. I actually have a goal in mind for this entry. I wanna try and surpass WhileTrue's LTE (71,427 characters) and The Pink-ish Pickle LTE (73,163 characters). I'm currently at 66,900 characters, so it is possible to accomplish the goal in this entry from where I'm standing. I need at least 6,263 characters to tie with The Pink-ish Pickle LTE, and looking at my previous entries, I'll say that I will accomplish my goal. My first entry was over 6K characters, so this does seem like an easy challenge. I don't even know where this should be treated like a competition, but on the LTE list/hub, from the looks of it, it's set up from longest, to shortest. So, Imma just pretend that it is a competition. Come on, I just wanna have some fun, and if I pass you, then sorry, but you gotta learn how to get some time on your hands and type more than you do. All of my entries except entry 5 have gotten over 5K characters. So if you wanna type that much, then I'd learn how to type faster and when to type at the correct time. Ah, crap... Ran out of thing to type... Come on, I can do this! I don't need to talk about my life to get 10K characters! I can just talk about the most random thing ever! I can just type differently in a way to turns short sentences into long sentences! For example, I could say "I went outside and swang while listening to music." but that's too short. We gotta make it longer in order for it to work! So what you could is this "I was inside, bored, when I decided that I wanted to go outside and swing. The only problem was that it's cold outside. So, I went and grabbed my jacket, put on my shoes, and before going outside to swing, I also decided that just swinging could get boring. So, to distract myself, I thought that listening to music while swinging would be a great idea. So, I went and grabbed my airpods, put the airpods in my ears so they could connect to my phone, then I went outside to swing and listen to music." Look at that! That whole sentence took 500 characters, exactly! I wasn't expecting that sentence to be exactly 500 characters, but hey, progress has been made! Another thing, now that my LTE is on the LTE list/hub, I've been getting some attention from other LTE'ers like the previously mentioned Pink-ish Pickle. Currently, my name (Falcon) has been mentioned three times on his/her LTE, one of them links to my website. That's the first LTE I thought about looking for my name in there, so let's go back to other active LTE's and look for my name in them. Next, Knockton's Potato LTE has mentioned my name 3 times as well. Oh btw, Knockton, idk if you're even reading this, but about the concepts that are from yours, like the archive and the character count as the top, if you want me to remove them, then I can. The entry formatting from Slashii's LTE has a reason. I was inspired by Slashii's LTE to try and make my own LTE So, that's one of the reasons why I decided to include entry formatting. Fun fact, me and Slashii know each other on Discord. But anyways, thanks Knockton for letting me know that people know about me. And those are the only two LTE's that I know of that mentioned my name in their LTE's. So, I just figured out that Knockton is actually reading these entries. I found this out when he talked about me explaining about the number "Googol" from entry 2. Honestly, I'm suprised. I wasn't expecting anyone to be reading any of these entries at all, but I guess some people are interested in my stuff. So, I'm just gonna shut up, and stop talking about Knockton, because at this point, I've mentioned his/her name too many times, and I fear that people are gonna think I have a crush on him/her. So, I'm just gonna move on to different topics. Goodeness, the very end of my last entry says that I should take a well deserved break. Uhmmm... is almost 4 month a good enough break, or should I wait longer? I don't know lol. Wanna insult your friends but don't wanna make them mad? Well, all you gotta do it type "lol" after your insult, and now they won't be angry! For example "My last tennis match took place on your forehead lol" See how much friendlier that looks with the "lol" as the end? Without the "lol" it soulnds like you just wanna piss them off and get sucker punched in the face. But when you add "lol" at the end, it's way better. This has been Life Tricks with Falcon XWPlays! *The More You Know* Wow, that was stupid lol. Did I just use my own Life Trick? I wanna stop talking about that now! To be honest, it gets pretty boring typing all of this at some point. It's like I wanna be with someone, that way, if they wanna talk, then I can talk to them, and best of all, I can type stuff in my entries! New ideas have been made! Wanna add stuff to your entry but don't know what to talk about? Just talk with someone while you type, and then, while talking with them, they might spark something that you have interest in and would like to type about! It's simple! But the only way I know how to cure boredom while typing if watching YouTube videos while typing. I've done it before with previous entries, so why not do it in this entry as well? Imma go load up a video now! Alright, the guy I'm watching this time is named Vargskelethor. If you don't know who he is, he is a Twitch streamer that's part of vinesauce. He uploads his full streams onto YouTube, and he overall a funny guy. He's so funny to the point where you get used to it, and don't laugh until he says something really funny or until something really funny happens. The video I'm watching from this guy is him playing bootleg NES games. AKA 400-in-1 cartridges. One of the things I dislike about this HTML editor is that you can't see which words are misspelled. Usual, when you're typing misspelling are marked with red lines under them. But in this HTML editor, it doesn't do that, so you don't know which words you typed are spelled correctly or not. LOL, in this video I'm watching, the game "Mortal Combat 4" is misspelled to say "Mortal COLBAT 4". Maybe the people making the cartridge were experencing the same problem with the thing not showing the red lines under misspelled words. Who knows how many misspelled words are in that cartridge. Alright, enough spoilers! If you wanna watch the video, then go to YouTube, search "[Vinesauce] Joel - Chinese NES Bootleg 400-in-1 Cartridges" and click the first video that comes up. Remember, it's a Twitch stream, so it'll be long. But in the end, it'll be worth it in the long run. I feel like only four LTE's on the LTE list/hub are active. Knockton's, McKenzie's, Pink-ish Pickle's, and Mine. I feel like there should be a sub-category of LTE's when there are only active LTE's. I don't know is McZenzie will add that idea to the LTE list/hub, and I don't even think he will because the page barely get updated, so I don't have high hopes for anything happening recently. Oh, and if you're wondering, 10,000 characters in this HTML editor covers 3/4 of the entire screen in full screen mode. Do you guys ever confuse the words screen and scream? I still sometimes do that. For example, a minute ago. While typing the word screen, I typed scream like two times on different occasions. Alright, I'm getting close to 10K characters, because according to my awesome calculations of math enducing trauma, almost 3/4 of the enite screen is filled. So I better get typing in order to see that glourious purple hide button of dreams. Come on, any time now. Where is it? I swear, it was around here that 10K characters was reached. Does the purple hide button not show when 10K characters are typed? I don't know, I'm just gonna continue until that purple hide button appears, then, I don't know, I'm just gonna sit here and touch myself for the rest of the day. Anyways, how was your day? You should try doing your own LTE sometime. All you need is a keyboard- AY THE PURPLE HIDE BUTTON APPEARED! BOYS, SCORE! WE DID IT! EVEN AFTER 4 MONTHS OF NO TYPING, WERE STILL HITTING THAT 10K CHARACTER COUNT! LET'S GO! Ok, back on topic. All you need to make your own LTE is a computer, a keyboard, a spare keyboard just incase your previous keyboard breaks, and either a pretty eventful life, or a big imagination to type as much as us LTE'ers can type. Bro, its only 6:40 PM CST where I'm at, and the sky is already black. Dang, time really does fly in the outside world, doesn't it? All of the people saying that time flies, you're were correct, kinda. I wanted to at least make a return and still impress people with my typing skills, and I think I did it. Haven't checked the character count yet, because I'm still typing all of this out. Does anyone here know about Scratch? You know that coding website that so simple and kid can understand it? Yea, um, I have a scratch account. If you wanna know, the account is "AnimatedChild". What? The username? I was 9! Okay? I created this account 5 years ago. So, with a little bit of math, I'm currently 14 years old. Oh crap I just doxxed my age. If you wondering why I kept my username, on the lovely world of Scratch, you can't change you're goddamn username! How cool is that? Once you set your username, it's staying like that forever, and you can't do anything about it! So, just a reminder to not create an account and set your username to something stupid, or else you'll be stuck with a name like "AnimatedChild" because when you think about it, I'm not a child anymore. I don't have a child voice anymore, and I got hair on my dick. Does that sould like something a child would have? Huh? I didn't think so. Now go brush your teeth. Ok, I'm 4 lines away from filling the entire screen with text, and that's pretty cool. After that previous sentence, there are now three lines left now. Should I try and get more characters than my longest entry ever? If you don't know, it's entry 4 with a total of 13,191 characters. And it's one line over the screen view. So I believe getting over 13K character is possile at my current position right now. So let's do it! Oh yeah, two lines left until the screen is filled with text. Almost 1 line left. Hold on, lemme get it to one line left. There we go. Anyways, in the meantime, I should talk about my current school life. I'm currently in 9th grade which means my first year in a high school! I get a lot more freedom in high school, and it's a lot easier than I was expecting to be. In my first period, one of the things we learned about was writing cursive. If you don't know, it's the fancy text that connects together. I can write cursive pretty good, so I just sit there while the teacher is teaching about cursive thinking why am I learning about this when I can write cursive fine? I can read cursive. I can read my own cursive, I don't know about others reading my cursive. But as long as I can read my cursive writing, then I think that I'm good at writing cursive. Anyways, It's almost the end of my first trimester. Actually, tomorrow is the final day! I don't know whether at the end of the trimester, there will be a break or not. Probably not because every week we all go to school. But that's just a guess. Wanna know something sad? My school blocked the neocities website. I don't know why, but if you're smart enough, then that's when you realize that I can type here at school. And to think of other ways to waste my time at school. Anyways, this whole entry has covered the entire screen, which is prbably telling me that I've typed enough and should take a break, but not too long of a break. Anyways, I should listen to my screen and stop typing for now. I'll be back for more typing. Hopefully, I won't take 4 months to get myself to type again. Anyways Later!

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