Falcon XWPlays's LTE (Longest Text Ever)


Total Character Count: 118,501
Total Word Count: 22,424
Longest Entry: Entry 11 (16,836 Characters)

My Button:

Entry 1 (6/29/2023 1:46 PM CST) | Character Count: 6,031 | Word Count: 1,131

Welp, here we go. Here is my first entry out of the many entries there will be in this LTE page. Anyways, let's get to work. I'm currently watching a YouTube channel called Talking Kitty Cat while typing all of this text. If you haven't seen the channel before, then it's basically about what the name of the channel says. It's about cats that can talk, and it's entertaining and funny. I don't wanna say any spoilers, so if you wanna go check it out then go and watch it yourself. There's one cat named Sylvester, and he's the main character/cat in the Talking Kitty Cat series, and personally my favorite character. On the topic of YouTube channels, I also have a YouTube channel. It's named Falcon XWPlays. The channel isn't big (166 Subscribers) but at least it's getting somewhere. This channel actually isn't the first channel I've ever had. I used to have an old channel that was named the same name as my new channel's name. It was sitting at a total of around 2K subscribers, until it got hacked and taken over by someone I don't know at all. I was able to get the account terminated because I'm not letting the person that took over my channel earn any money from my channel. After all of this happened, my only options were to make a new channel. So, the new channel I made is the channel that still exists today. So all of the events that happened on the day that my old channel got hacked is a reminder for me and other people to enable 2-step verification if a site gives you the option to. This time, my new YouTube account has 2-step and nothing is gonna happen to it. Not this time. Anyways, I decided to switch to a YouTube video from a different channel. The video is called "Segmented Displays" by Posy. This video is very interesting and entertaining. I recommend you should go watch it as well. Now, time for a different topic. Last night, The Longest Discord Call reaches 20,000 hours at 11:00 PM CST. I was part of the group of people that witnessed the call reaching 20K hours, and it was crazy. If you wanna see the call hit 20K hours, search up "LDC hits 20K hours" on YouTube. There's another video and a live stream made by someone named justintheproroblox but it's basically the same thing, so it doesn't matter which video you watch. Speaking of justintheproroblox, you should check him out as well. He's a pretty cool guy, and we're also friends on Discord. I've also appeared in some of Justin's streams, and when you listen to me talking in those streams I sound a lot younger than I sound like today. But, that still doesn't stop me from watching those streams from time to time. Now, onto Roblox. I also have a Roblox account named FalconXWPlays and my avatar is a midget. I also have some friends on Roblox, some I would describe as "questionable". I have this one friend named PlanetSaturn350 (Diego350) who makes PM 6:06 fangames. (Mostly Friendly Smile) If you don't know what PM 6:06 is, then look it up, I'm too lazy to talk about it here. One thing that PlanetSaturn350 likes to do is use things/kits I've made and put make his own games with them. One example being Friendly Merge. I was making my own Merge game that was called Merj. You can play it on Roblox. PlanetSaturn350 then asked me if he could have it. I said yes, and gave him the things for Merj. I wasn't expecting him to make an entire game with the things that I made. You see, PlanetSaturn350 has this thing where he will ask for something if it looks cool. Mainly, because he doesn't know how to actually script. And of course since it's about merging balls together, he asks for it. Ever since he made Friendly Merge, everytime he asks for something that I've made, I simply say that I don't know how to give it to him. I'm not risking making something I made for myself be passed on to someone else, just for them to make an entire game on it. Another thing PlanetSaturn350 did was make a fangame using a kit I've made. I made a kit for a game I was working on called Crazy Happy 6:06. (Yes I make PM 6:06 Fangames as well. Fight me) I let PlanetSaturn350 use the Crazy Happy kit so he can make his own levels for Crazy Happy 6:06 because why not? But very recently, he started making a PM 6:06 fangame and used the Crazy Happy kit for a game. All he did was change the face to winning smile, changed the fonts, changed everything except how everything functions, because he doesn't know how to script. I'm not saying that he can't use the Crazy Happy kit. I'm just saying something like can't he just use the normal PM 6:06 kit, or maybe the ultimate kit, or something like that, not a kit I made for a single game. Anyways, I feel like I've been talking about PlanetSaturn350 for an eternity, so Imma stop talking about him here and move onto different topics. Now time for a little bit about myself. I am a male. I am 14 years old. I like Doritos. I like Coca-Cola. Matter on fact, I'm drinking Coca-Cola right now. I like Roblox if you haven't figured that out yet. I have Discord. (FalconOfScope) I have an Oculus Rift 2. I like ZedPuzzle and made a ZedPuzzle type game. (qwertyuioppuzzle) I don't know what else to put about myself now, so time for a different topic. On the list of LTE, BusterDdog's LTE is the lowest on the list, sitting at 12,734 characters. So, my main goal of this LTE is to surpass 12,734 characters and that's basically it. And judging by how many characters I've gotten so far, I seem to be halfway done with that achievement. After that, I'll just keep working on going up on the list and that's pretty much it. You gotta treat this like a competition and work your way to the top so you can feel victorious about how you managed to type a bunch of detail essays that probably nobody will ever read. But hey, that's just me and my personal view on this whole LTE thing. And for fun's sake, let's create a website about me, myself, and I. Anyways, I'll probably stop here for now. This text is getting pretty long, and I've got stuff to do, so Imma just head out and I'll see yall later!
Entry 2 (6/30/2023 12:24 AM CST) | Character Count: 7,281 | Word Count: 1,364

Alright, I came back for another entry for the LTE. So, I've been looking at some of the LTE's on the list of LTE's, and I noticed that you can literally type anything you want on these things. So I can just spam random letters and it'll count. Ok let's do it jreiofujoig;zdf;yhd;retdgiop' Wait doesn't that count as cheating or not? IDK there isn't any rules so I can't tell what's allowed and what isn't. Anyways, it might be hard to get around 6000 characters again since it's almost 1 AM for me, but I'll see what I can do. My main goal as of now is to get on the LTE list/hub or whatever it's called, but if I get on the list on LTE's, then that doesn't mean that I'll stop there. I'll continue to work my way up the list. Maybe once I get around the Top 5 LTE's on the list, then I'll stop typing on this thing. Wait a second, did I say I would stop? PFFFFF I'M NEVER STOPPING HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh crap I'm spamming again. I don't wanna spam, but hey it adds more characters to the entry, and that's what I want. But I'm not gonna try and spam letters again. Back to where we were. I know I said that I was never stopping, but soon I'm gonna stop. I can't just keep adding entries forever. So I will stop eventually, but not right now. I'm also watching YouTube while typing this entry. I might be watching YouTube for every entry I put on here because I need to entertain myself while typing all of this text. If I were to just type all of this with nothing but listening to the sound of my keyboard, it would sound nice, but I would probably get pretty bored real quick. So that's why every time I add an entry to the list, I grab my phone, open up YouTube, and watch some videos while typing my entry. Man, how many times have I said the word "entry" throughout this entry? Look, I just said "entry" again! Jeez, it's like that word is everywhere. If you're reading this, then count how many times the word "entry" appears throughout this entire entry. You also need to include the words in quotation marks ("") as well because they are also apart of this entry. If you are able to correctly count how many timer "entry" appears in this entry, then you'll get a free slice of pizza. I know nobody says no to pizza, so I know you want that slice of pizza. Especially since the slice of pizza is free! Who doesn't love free pizza? Pizza is already good by itself, but free pizza? That is literally heaven. So, if you want that free slice of pizza, then you better get counting and hope you get the amount correct. On no, I just realized something. How are you gonna tell me your answer? And worse of all, how are you gonna get your free slice of pizza? Man, I really didn't think this through... Anyways, maybe you can just try and count the amount of times the word "entry" appears throughout this entry because, well... it's fun, right? I mean, come on, who doesn't like fun? I know I certainly like to have fun once in a while, so Imma start counting how time times "entry" appears. Actually, I need to finish this entry first, so I can't count right now. Maybe you guys can count for me. I hope you don't mind counting for me right now. So go ahead. Start counting. Once I'm done, you can tell me how much progress you've got so far, and I can start from where you left off and finish the work. Hopefully that's a good plan. Could say that's the greatest plan. You get extra points if you get that reference I just said. Now time for some other stuff. Yo Knockton, remember when you typed 10^100 into a calculator and you got infinity? Yea, well I got an actual calculator right here, and I shall help you decipher what 10^100 really is. According to Google, 10^100 is known as a Googol, or a 1 followed by 100 zeros. I'm not gonna paste the number here because thats basically character spamming, and that's not what I'm trying to accomplish here. So look up a Googol and see how big that number actually is. In fact, did you notice how similar Googol and Google sound? Well that's because Google was inspired by the number Googol. Basically, Google has lots of data inside of it when searching. And I mean A LOT. And when thinking of a name for their creation, they wanted to have the name be related to the immense amount of data stored. At first, the name Googolplex was suggested, then that name was shortened to Googol, and then the word was changed to the well-known Google that is still used today. Why was it changed to Google and not Googol? I have no idea. But I'm not Google and I can't ask why they went with Google instead. Ok I think I'm finished with the Googol and Google topic, so time to check how many characters I've typed so far. Before this sentence, the entry was sitting at 4664 characters, almost 5000! So before I go, I wanna get to 5000 characters and that'll probably be it for now. Anyways, time to look for another topic! Yesterday was completely stormy. Since it's past 12 AM, then it's a new day, so yesterday was 6/29. But for most of yesterday, it was just raining and thunder and lightning. Completely depressing. Even while typing the first entry, it was raining and thunder and lightnings. Good thing my internet didn't die on me, or I would've lost all of my typing that I spent like an hour or two typing. That would've been bad, because I didn't want to retype 6000 characters worth of pure randomness. I just realized I forgot to tell you guys what I was watching on YouTube while typing all of this. Try and guess who I'm watching right now. Here's a hint: He has more subscribers than PewDiePie. Ok I guess you give up. The YouTuber I was watching while typing this was MrBeast. Yes, it's true. MrBeast has more Subscribers than PewDiePie. As of 6/30, PewDiePie has 111M Subscribers, while MrBeast has 163M Subscribers. Remember when PewDiePie was the most subscribed YouTuber? Yea, me too. But it's no longer like that. You might think I'm making this sound bad, but I'm not. I'm just thinking of what else to type so I can get more characters in this entry. Speaking of which, are you still counting how many times "entry" appears throughout this entry or not? Probably not because who in their right mind is going to take the time to read all of this text for no reason? I mean, there might be someone willing to do that, but I highly doubt that anyone would actually read all of this text in one sitting. They'll probably make it 1/4 of the way through and just start skipping through to the end. Especially on Knockton's LTE. (Second time Knockton has been featured in this entry!) Who is actually gonna take the time to read a 517K character long page? Totally not me, no sir. That's basically just how people read long strings of text, they don't. Anyways time to check up on the character counter. WOW! 6763 characters! That is over 5000 characters, which is what I was trying to get. And that's over the amount of characters in the first entry! I've accomplished something haven't I? Man time really flies when you're typing a bunch of random text, doesn't it? Anyways, I think I've accomplished what I was trying to do. So Imma call it quits, end it here, and get some sleep once and for all. It's currently 1:36 AM when I'm typing this sentence, and I'm starting to get tired. So goodbye everyone, and goodnight!
Entry 3 (6/30/2023 5:29 PM CST) | Character Count: 9,393 | Word Count: 1,802

Hello, hello everyone. I am back. How's everyone going? Wait, it's only you... How are you doing today? Oh wait, I can't hear you... Imma just pretend that you said that you're having a great day. Oh, you're having a great day? That's great, literally! Anyways, I'm doing pretty good as well. So, what to talk about, what to talk about... Oh yeah! Remember me talking about my Oculus Quest 2? Probably not because you're not even reading this, or any of the other entries. But if you are reading all of these entries fully, then... I don't know what to say. Good job I guess. Anyways, back to my Oculus Quest 2. So far, I only have one game I play on my Oculus. That game is Gorilla Tag. I play it because it's multiplayer, it's fun, and your arms get good exercise. Basically, you are a gorilla and you play like a gorilla. For some reason, many people call everyone monkeys instead of gorillas, and I have no idea why either. I think that I'm pretty good at Gorilla Tag. I'm not the best at Gorilla Tag, but I am pretty sure I'm good at the game. Oh, and I also forgot something. You can also be moving your arms so good, then you ram your arm into a random object in your room, and then everything is done for. Your hand gets broken, the object you hit is broken as well, and you can't play Gorilla Tag anymore because your arm is disfunctional. So far, the only things I've hit while playing Gorilla Tag are my controllers and my balls. It doesn't feel good hitting my balls, but I can't see my body and where I am in my room so you can't blame me for destroying my room. I have heard other people on Gorilla Tag hit random objects in their room, like their closet doors and their tables, but it's kinda rare that I find someone hit something in a random public lobby. Anyways, time to go to YouTube! This time, I'm watching a YouTuber called SunnyV2. He makes pretty interesting short documentaries on different YouTubers, and I like them. They're well edited, and there are many different videos on different topics as well. It's like no matter how much you watch, you will find another video from SunnyV2 that looks interesting. So yeah, I'm watching SunnyV2 while typing all of this. Also, there's this. Today, my friend PlanetSaturn350 hosted something on his Discord server called Ultra Game Mania. Before I introduce you to Ultra Game Mania, I need to tell you what Game Mania is first. Basically, Game Mania is a thing where everyone in the server come together and play random games on Roblox. All of the game are placed on a wheel, and the wheel is spun. Whatever game the wheel lands on, everyone plays that game. After that, the cycle repeats. Spin the wheel, play the game. And it keeps going until everyone wants to quit, and that's basically it. Now, Ultra Game Mania is the same thing, except there was like 100+ games on the wheel. I know, that's a lot of games. But somehow, they only played like 8 games out of however many games there were on the wheel. Imagine how many days it'll take to play all of the games on that huge wheel. Besides, what if there's like only 10 games left? Is it still an Ultra Game Mania, or is it just a normal Game Mania? Don't ask me, ask PlanetSaturn350! Oh wait, Game Mania is on Discord. DM Diego350 on Discord and ask him about everything I just said. I'm not stopping you. In fact, I can't stop you at all. You don't live where I am, so I can't run to your computer and break it to force you to stop texting Diego350. Anyways, I never really participate in Game Mania for two reason, one being that they always skip the games that I suggest for no reason, and because none of the games on the wheel are games I've played before. The only game on the wheel that I've played before is A Really Fricking Big House and Super Simon Says. The only reason I join them on Game Mania is because I like to listen to everyone go absolute bonkers and go crazy. It warms my heart because it's so funny listening to tell scream while playing a Roblox game. The reason I think it's funny because out of all of the times I've played a Roblox game, I've remained calm. But when everyone is playing a Roblox game and are screaming at the top of their lungs, then it starts to get pretty funny. But that can just be me and my weird sense of humor. Now time for the next topic! Do you know this game called I Wanna Be The Guy? If not, then I can understand. Mostly because the game is kinda obscure, but it's still known by a lot of people. Anyways, I Wanna Be The Guy is a difficult game. The game does have like 8 bossfights, but the amount of trolls the game has is the reason the game is difficult. And the game is pretty long as well. Despite all of the trolls and fights the game has, I was one of the pro players that has beaten I Wanna Be The Guy. It tool like 8 hours to beat the game, but I was able to keep my cool and beat the whole game. I know I'm saying the number 8 a lot when I'm estimating things, but I'm trying to tell the truth about the amount. Another thing about me completing I Wanna Be The Guy, I was able to complete it all in one sitting. That's right, I beat the whole game in one whole session without taking any breaks in between. I think that is a pretty good accomplishment for a person with my skill playing I Wanna Be The Guy. Wait a second... Oh no it's turning dark outside even though it's 6:50 PM right now. The reason it's been one hour and 20 minutes (I think) and I'm not done typing is because I took a break from typing to watch someone play a random game on Discord. But why is it turning dark already? Oh no I just checked the weather app on my phone and it says around 7PM there's a 50% chance that it will be raining the thunderstorms, so I'm getting scared right now. Just kidding, I'm not scared, I'm still typing all of this text just for fun. Oh right I'm also typing all of this text to get on that LTE list of cool. Hey, that gives me an idea for another topic! Time for a little lesson about history. It all took place a couple of days ago. I was playing LDC Clicker made by Slashii and I was just looking at the images in the game, and noticed that the images came from another neocities site. So I decided to go to the index of the site, and this is where I saw the first LTE ever in my life. Around that time, I didn't have anything else to do, so I decided to read some of it. At one point, Shashii mentioned there being a LTE list where other LTE are listed by most characters. I then thought that I would try and get on that list so I can show people that I can type a lot in a hour or two. And that's how all of this happened. Wasn't that a good story on how I created this site? No? Ok fine, I'll admit it. All of that was to just stretch the amount of characters on this entry. Now time for a little fact for no reason. If you were to ever create one of these LTE's, you'll notice that all of the text you type in the source code is wrapped. What that means is that is the text is about to go offscreen, then it will create a new line and begin typing on that new line. However, if you look at the text on the site's source code (You can do this by pressing Ctrl+U) then all of the text won't be wrapped and will instead be just a straight line of all of the text in the entry. Go ahead, try looking at the entries of this site in the source code. You will see all of the text just laying there in a line. Idk why I mentioned it. I thought it was something cool you've never noticed because you don't know the shortcut to look at a page's source code. I knew the shortcut because of all of the ZedPuzzle type games I've played before. Speaking of which, you should go play ZedPuzzle. It's a really fun puzzle game. The puzzle can be difficult, but after solving a puzzle, it feels really good that you're a smart person. Alright, now lets talk about something basic: numbers! Numbers are pretty basic until they get pretty big, then they can get pretty complicated. For example, a 1 followed by 21 zeros is called a Sextillion. Why is it named that? Who in their right mind thought that Sextillion is a good name for a number? I know that there's a pattern for -illion numbers. And the pattern consists of numerical prefixes, but why is the number 6's prefix literally just "sex"? Maybe there's a rule that I'm missing for all of these prefixes. But out of context, that's just a weird name. Another thing confusing is the number 42. It might just seem like a normal number, but people say it's the answer to life, universe, and everything. I only have one question: how? It's just a two digit number. How can a two digit number be the answer to everything that's ever existed? Again, I might be missing something that makes this bizarre claim reasonable, But again, out of context, this makes no sense. One more thing to note. Why are letters included with numbers? I mean numbers were cool alone. But then they started adding letters with numbers, and everything got too confusing. Math was my favorite subject until they added letters into the mix. Now it's just too confusing. I just realized it's 7:41 PM and I haven't heard rain at all. The weather all lied to me! Or maybe they wanted to prank me, I don't know. Anyways, Imma end it here. I've talked about Gorilla Tag, Game Mania, Roblox, Numbers, Weather, Histroy, can I really type about more? Ok, well I guess I'll see yall later.
Entry 4 (7/1/2023 1:19 PM CST) | Character Count: 13,191 | Word Count: 2,527

Top of the morning to ya ladies! My name's Falcon XWPlays and I'm back for another entry in my LTE! What do you mean that intro sound familiar? I completely came up with that entry right on the spot. Eh, whatever you say. But you can't deny this, that intro is pretty good. Now time for the weather news! In the last entry, I checked my weather app on my phone and it said that rain and thunders would come at around 7PM. Nut surprisingly the rain didn't come until around the middle of the night. And how do I know this? Because I was awake when it started raining and thunders and lightnings. Hopefully today there isn't no rain. The last two entries had rain during the day. Luckily, so far there hasn't been any rain outside yet today. And I hope that it stays like that. So that's probably the end of the weather part. Aaaarrrrgggghhh! An ad just played on the YouTube video I was watching! >:( Speaking of YouTube, the video I'm watching this time while typing all of this is a video called Watering my Tarantulas. Basically, it's this dude that has a lot of pet tarantulas and he takes care of them. In the video, he's refilling the tarantula's water dishes. He didn't refill all of them in the video, but he did refill a few. For some reason, the video is entertaining to watch. I've watched the video a lot in the past, and now I'm watching it again. Crap I can't think of anything else to type about now. I need some help. Please give me some topics to type about please. I need to extend this entry so I can get those high character counts. Before this entry, I had 22,705 characters. If I were to be placed on the list of LTE's, I would be above Kenneth Iman's LTE. Maybe after this entry, I would move up a couple of spaces. I guess there's only one way to find out. I have to get done typing this entry in order to find out for sure. One way this LTE is unique from the rest is the Word Counter. Usually, there's a Character Counter and only the Character Counter. But in this LTE, I also count the amount of words in every entry. And that's probably the only way this LTE is different from the rest. Another thing to talk about is that I'm going to Holiday World on the fourth or July or 7/4/2023. It's basically like a huge amusement park, and a water park together in one. Isn't that fun? Who doesn't love amusement parks and water parks. Water slides and roller coasters and fun little rides. There will probably be fireworks at Holiday World as well. Everyone likes fireworks don't they? Maybe people with sensitive ears don't like fireworks. But other that that, everyone likes fireworks. Watching the colorful explosions along with listening to the loud bangs in the sky is enough for anybody to enjoy fireworks as much as everyone else. I recommend you go to Holiday World sometime. Uh oh. I'm starting to get hungry. My stomach is telling me by growling at me. I understand that my stomach wants food, but why does it have to growl at me? Why can't my stomach just tell me that it's low on food, and needs some of that delicious pastries to fill him up? Ok I know that part was expanded for no reason, but you know, I gotta increase the character amount because that's the point of a LTE. Anyways, Imma get some food. Alright, I got the food ordered. It'll take a few minutes to get here. But in the meantime, I can just continue typing. However, when my food gets here, I will have to stop typing and take a lunch break. Don't worry, I'll let you know when my food gets here so you know when my lunch break is here. I'll also let you know when I finish eating so you don't have to wonder why I might sound different than usual. Anyways, what to talk about while my food gets here... Oh I know! The house that I live in has a mini playground. It used to have a swing set and two slides, but the slides got removed, so now it's just a swing set. If it's a good day outside like how it is right now, then I'll grab my phone, grab my airpods, and go outside to the swing set. I load up YouTube on my phone and listen to some music while swinging. I actually did that before typing this entry. I was a nice day out, and you know, I like listening to music. Ooooh, my food is almost here, so I gotta hurry up typing these next sentences. Anyways, it's almost been an hours since I started typing this entry. The time next to the date is the time I started typing this essay. And it is currently 2:08 PM right now as I type this sentence. 11 minutes until a hour. Uh oh. I can hear my dog barking downstairs. I'm assuming that my food is here. I will go check and let you know if my food is here or not. I just checked and my food is here. I will go eat now. I'll see yall in a little bit. Alright, I just finished eating. It was delightful. Right now it's 2:46 PM. So it took me like 40 minutes to finish my meal. Alrighty, now back to typing. Next, let's type about numbers. One complaint I have is why do some people use a sideways 8 as an infinity symbol? Like there's an infinity symbol already out there. Search up infinity symbol copy and paste and you'll pretty much find the infinity symbol. In most fonts, the number 8 has the top circle smaller than the bottom circle. On the infinity symbol, both circles are the same in size. Actually while searching infinity symbol, the font Google used made the infinity symbol look like the number 8. In other words, the left side was smaller than the right side. Why make it look like that? Just make both sides the same. It looks much better than making one side different sized than the other side. Oh well, let's move on. Another thing I find confusing if the number e. Now I know what your saying. Falcon that's a letter, not a number. Well, you're wrong. Despite being a letter, e is a number as well. The number e is 2.71828183. My only question is why you chose the letter e for your number? I know your number is cool and all, but why would you choose the letter e to let people recognize your number? Why not make or use a different character for your number? Prime example, Pi. Pi number is 3.14159265. Instead of using a letter, that used a non english character. Imagine me thinking of a random number like 7.28493635, and me naming it v. That makes no sense. Even if you try searching up that number, you won't find any results. You'll just get that little blue monster fishing for something. Did you know that if you click on that blue monster, he'll catch something random. First time I clicked on him, he caught a can of sardines. He was pretty happy about catching sardines because sardines are just fish. I clicked on him again, and he caught a singular fish. And he was also happy about that. I was expecting him to be like meh since he caught a whole can of sardines. But I guess anything he catches will make him happy I guess. I clicked on him again, and he caught a boot instead of a fish. From the looks of it, he wasn't very happy about catching the boot. So scratch the idea of him having a happy reaction for everything he catches. Also is nobody gonna talk about the fact that the blue monster has only one tooth in his head. Like bro, where did your other teeth go? Did you get hit in the mouth at some time in your life? I mean I don't know, the only time I ever see that little monster is when no results come up from searching for something. Try searching up the number v. What's that? v isn't a number? Yes it is! It's 7.28493635. Don't you remember me naming that number v? No? Neither did I. Ok, maybe try searching up 7.28493635. Tell me what you get. I can do that for you before you can. You get nothing. Bam! I can predict everything! Here's another prediction. I predict that this entry will have more characters than the previous entry. Wanna know how I can predict this? Start at the first entry. Only 6,031 characters. Then, look at the second entry. 7,281 characters. Third entry. 9,393. Using the data from the character counts from the previous entries, I can tell that this entry will have more characters than the previous entry. But again, we'll never know until this entry is finished typing. And I hope it's soon, because I don't have all day. But if I have to stay here and continue typing, then I will. In fact, I can. Because I got my handy dandy phone with YouTube loaded up with fun entertainment for hours and hours on end. After typing that sentence, I've got another thing to talk about. Sometimes, in the middle of the night, I load up YouTube on my computer, grab a bag of Doritos, go downstairs to the kitchen, grab a can of Coca-Cola, and have a Dorito night. Basically, I eat Doritos and drink Coca-Cola while watching YouTube for like an hour or two. A negative outcome that happens everytime I have a Dorito night is that my hand get all of those little crumbs and mixes them together into this brown substance. I clean my hands inside of the Doritos bag by rubbing my hands together and letting the brown substance fall into the bag. Some of you might think that's bad, but technically the brown substance came from the Doritos so the brown substance is basically left over Doritos from my Dorito night. After my Dorito night, I mostly go to sleep. If not, I'll do something else. I don't know what else I do, probably play some Roblox. But yea, that's how my Dorito night goes. Pretty much every Dorito night goes exactly like that. You're probably wondering what kind of Doritos I like. And to answer that question, I like Cool Ranch Doritos. You might like a different kind of Doritos, but that's just my opinion on what my favorite kind of Doritos I eat every night on Dorito night. Another thing is that Dorito night isn't a thing that happens once a week. If I feel like having a Dorito night, then I'll have a Dorito night. That just how it is. Update on the weather. Luckily it hasn't rained outside. Maybe I can go back outside and swing with music sometime later. Hopefully. Also did you notice the new thing at the top of this LTE? It should say Archive. In the archive, it has a list of all of the entries in a list from oldest to newest. Instead of reading all of these entries al together, you can read them separate. That way it's easier to take in what has happened so far in this LTE. But yeah I thought I would bring it up just in case you would like to check it out sometime. In the middle of typing these sentences, some text appear next to all of this text that says hide surrounded by those arrow symbols. <> These little things. I think it just takes all of this text and spreads it out into a line instead of making the text wrapped. To see what I mean, go into the source code of this site. If you don't know how, I mentioned it in the previous entry. All of the text in the entries are just in a straight line instead of being wrapped. I don't think I like this new hide button because it's getting hard to ignore the button while typing and I'm afraid that if I slip up, something will happen with the hide button and everything I've typed in this entry will be all gone. But let's just move on to another topic. I actually have two TV's in my room. One is a small Visio TV, and the other is a bigger Samsung TV. I use the Samsung TV ever since I've gotten it. Maybe I should try using the old TV again sometime. I don't know. Maybe I'll forget talking about my two TVs that I have in my room currently and my old TV will just be a memory in my room. I think I'm able to pick the old TV as well. Lemme try picking up my old TV. I just tried and I was able to pick up the old TV. It was actually easier than I was expecting it to be. Wow, I'm looking at the length of this entry and I gotta say, I've made a lot of progress. I've typed so much that almost all of the text in this entry fills up my entire computer screen, God. Remember Slashii's LTE? You know, the LTE that got me introduced to LTE's and made me start my own LTE? Well, I'm looking back at it. And after Slashii's fourth entry, he had 32,465 total characters. Imagine how many character I'll have in total after this entry is finished. I haven't updated the info on the fourth entry just yet, but when I finish this entry, then I'll update the into. I'm just gonna let you know that I haven't looked at how many characters I've typed in this entry yet. But I will look whenever I finish this entry. I really feel like I wanna stop typing on this entry, but at the same time, I wanna continue typing until all of this text fills up my entire screen to stop typing. It's only two lines left. I can do this. After typing that sentence, there's only one line left of free space. So I just need to fill up one more line of text to fill up the entire screen, and then I might stop. Come on. I'm so close. Just a few more characters. And I think I've finally done it. I'll filled up my entire screen with text. This is an accomplishment for sure, I gotta say. Anyways, Imma stop typing here. I've typed so much text in this entry and I'm ready for a break from typing. I probably won't type anything this long again because this entry is long If you've read all of this text in one sitting. Then congrats. Now you can finally give your mouth a rest. So goodbye everyone!
Entry 5 (7/1/2023 4:25 PM CST) | Character Count: 292 | Word Count: 59

Very short entry but while reading Entry 4 I noticed that the infinity symbol and Pi symbol got turned into random characters. ( π ) This is what the Pi symbol turns into. ( ∞ ) And this is what the infinity symbol turns into. Ok I thought that I would just point that out ok bye for real.
Entry 6 (7/2/2023 8:13 PM CST) | Character Count: 10,160 | Word Count: 1,871

Yoyoyo whaddup guys. I'm back again. So, I was able to go outside and swing again. Lovely. Awesome. Nice. Thinking of more words to describe my swinging experience. Anyways, ended up discovering a new song that I'm addicted to. The song is called Blacksphere. I don't know who created it, but I know it's called Blacksphere. And I love the song. I think I might listen to Blacksphere first whenever I'm outside swinging again. That's how much I like Blacksphere. If you haven't heard Blacksphere yet, search it up on YouTube. It sounds awesome. Speaking of YouTube, time for me to tell you about the YouTube video I'm watching this time! The video I'm watching this time is... Wait, I forgot. I'm not watching YouTube this time! OH MY GOD! THE WORLD IS ABOUT TO END! Instead, I'm in a discord call with someone else and just listening to them. The person I'm with right now is named Poland. No, not the country Poland. The guys name on Discord is Poland. I don't know why you would name yourself Poland. You had every country in the entire world, and you chose Poland. That, is a country for sure. Poland just started sharing his screen on Discord. I looked at his screen, and it's a PM 6:06 Fangame. It's a game I made pretty recently. Basically, you solve codes and type them on a codepad. That's it. Each level you pass, the game gets harder and harder, like every game that ever existed. There's this one level that he struggles on, and he's currently on it right now. Ok I got bored of listening to Poland so I decided to grab my phone and load up YouTube. Now, the YouTuber I'm watching is XboxAddictionz. I know his name's not XboxAddictionz anymore, but I'm watching his old videos, which back then his name was XboxAddictionz. I'm watching this one video named Mic-chewing 9 Year Old Trolled By Herobrine. Anyways, the video is pretty funny and entertaining to watch. I know that everytime I rate a YouTube video, I say it's entertaining. But that's because all of the videos are entertaining. I wouldn't be watching the video if it weren't entertaining, but because it's entertaining, I'm watching the video. Remember Dorito night? I had a Dorito night last night. Ate Doritos and drank Coca-Cola. I had a fun night. Well, not really. I just sat down in my bed and watched YouTube videos while eating Doritos and drinking Coca-Cola. So not really that entertaining, but the video were entertaining. Now, back to Poland. Poland is still struggling on the same level. I don't know if he has a disability or not, but he really can't solve the level he's currently on. I don't know about you, but that sounds like a skill issue. He's trying to dance clip outside of the map, but he doesn't know that I made the walls thick. He also said that he might use exploits. After he said that, I ended up adding an anti exploit system into the game just to troll him even more. I don;t know why, but I like to see him suffer for no reason other than to troll him. Maybe there's a problem with me, I'm not too sure. Maybe I should go to the doctor to see if I have problems. Just came back from the doctor and after I asked them if I have problems, they did a check up on me and they said I'm all good. They asked me why I think I had problems. So I told them that I like to see my friends suffer. Then they just looked at me with a weird look. Anyways, that whole trip to the doctor was fake btw. I made up that entire story. I didn't actually go to the doctor, and tell them that I like to see my friends suffer. Anyways, Poland stop sharing his screen. I think he rage quitted. Oops I mean gave up. You're probably thinking that he rage quitted, but it reality, it didn't sound like he rage quitted. Poland sounded pretty chill when he stopped sharing his screen. Another thing. only two days left until 7/4/2023. That means in two days, I get to go to Holiday World! YAAAAAAY! Oops, I spammed characters again. Well, it wasn't a lot of characters, so I think I'm in the clear. Also, it's been a few days since I created this LTE and I'm not on the LTE list. I don't know why. Maybe Mckenzie hasn't noticed or heard about this LTE, or maybe he/she doesn't want to add my LTE to the list. I believe it's the first reason. Oh boy. I can hear fireworks outside my window right now. I really want to go outside and look at them, but I'm currently typing an entry, so now I'm sad. :( Awww, now the fireworks stopped coming. Waaaaaa. Now Poland let the call. Everything is falling apart now. Now time for a little game! Let's type some random characters and see what they turn into! First character: ( ♪ ) Music Note. So what do have here? The letter a trademarked? Even the letter a made it's own trademark logo. TM became TMa. What does the a stand for though? TradeMark...Awesome? I don't even know anymore. That was the a's decision. Moving on! Second character: ( δ ) Lowercase Delta. This one isn't really interesting. All we got was a letter I followed by an apostrophe. Nothing interesting. The whole point of this is to find new and interesting characters I've never seen before. Lowercase Delta, you're the loser! Next one! Third character: ( þ ) Thorn. Here's a more interesting character. That letter A followed by a 3/4 sign. Something more interesting, but we're not trying to learn math right now. So let's move on. Fourth character: ( ☺ ) Happy Face. At this point, there's always gonna be a letter at the start of every character, so we're just gonna ignore that. More interesting characters. A tilda which isn't that unique, and another letter exponent. This time, the letter o. What is will letter turning themselves into exponents? Like seriously. You guys are making math more confusing. Hopefully math scientists don't know about letter exponents, or we'll be in a lot of trouble. I'm so scared that Imma stop talking about letter exponents and move on to our next character. Fifth character: ( ↓ ) Down Arrow. Look at that, another unique character! And a good one at that. It's a good thing that these unique characters are staying christan. Yea, that "letter t" is actually a... Dagger? Are you kidding me? So, what I thought was a christan cross, was actually a dagger this whole time? I feel violated... How is that even possible? Try it for yourself! Copy and paste the "dagger" and search it up on something like Google. You will get a dagger. I am not making this up. Even when you look at it close up, it's made from complete straight lines. The tip of the dagger doesn't even sharpen like how it's supposed to. No! I've had enough of this monstrosity! I'm moving on! Sixth character: ( ♥ ) Heart. Another unique character. What you are looking at is the Yen and Yuan sign. Or in other words, the Y with two lines on it. Yea, not really much else to say about it. Seventh character: ( æ ) ae. So, what even is that? It looks like two vertical lines on top of each other. 100% accurate description. So, the actual name of that character is called a Broken Bar. The character is basically what it's name says, a broken bar. How fun! Now, next character! Eighth character: ( ╦ ) Box Drawings Double Down and Horizontal. Everything looks the same, except now we have a random dot third wheeling in the direct center. Just a huge circle, that's all. Now time for English class. That huge dot interrupting the letter a and broken bar's privacy is a bullet dot. Basically, when making a list of things, a dot will appear next ot each thing on the list. If not, then maybe a square, or a dash, or just some random symbol. Now time to move on! Ninth character: ( ツ ) Tsu. This time, the character is a Japanese character. The character is the smiley face one. And what this character holds is a big lowercase f for failure. Nah I'm just kidding ha! What the letter f actually stands for is Florida. Oh, did I say Florida? I mean Florin. It's also used in math. ƒ has been used to denote mathematical functions, or to indicate aperture in photography (e.g. ƒ/2.8) in place of the more common italic f (in serif fonts) or oblique f (in sans-serif fonts). You can thank Google for letting me copy and paste that entire explaination. Now, for the final character on our list. We're gonna take some of the unique character that came from characters on this list and put them all into one. Are you ready? I am! And I hope you are too! Let's go! Tenth characters: ( ™ª¾º†¥¦•ƒ ) Trademark, Letter a Exponent, 3/4 symbol, Letter o Exponent, Dagger, Yen and Yuan sign, Broken Bar, Bullet Dot, Florin. I just got finished putting all of the symbols into one, and I have not looked at it yet. I just looked at the character, and I gotta say, I was a little let down. I was expecting a lot of random character I haven't seen yet, but some of them are ones I'm seen. Some character are new, but they aren't really that interesting. I would copy down that string of letter and put them here but, that's a bit too long. Anyways, let's begin. First new character is the cent symbol. If you've been shopping at leahisst once before, then you know what the cent symbol is. Next new symbol is the Euro symbol. This is another symbol for currency. 1 euro costs 1.09019 dollars in the US. So there's a little fun fact I guess. And the final new symbol is the AE symbol. This is basically the uppercase version of the seventh character on this list. It's basically the same thing as the lowercase version. And with that, we have finally gotten through ten character holding the most weird and unique symbol out there! Maybe I'll do more symbol in later entries, because that was actually pretty fun. Also, about half of this entry is just the list of characters. Ok justintheproroblox is streaming so I'm gonna watch his stream. Alright now the hide button is showing again. Man, second entry in a row that has the hide button. I think the hide button appears if you have over 10K (10,000) characters. So I guess I'm doing a good job. Anyways, Imma head out for tonight. It's currently 10:15 PM for me, and I might have a Dorito night in a little bit. I'll let you know in the next entry. But for now, Imma head out and I'll see you later!
Entry 7 (7/6/2023 1:17 PM CST) | Character Count: 8,374 | Word Count: 1,581

Hello everyone! I'm back! Sorry for not typing for 3 days straight. I was preparing for Holiday World on 7/3/2023. You can guess where I was all day on 7/4/2023. And on 7/5/2023 I just didn't feel like typing on that day. But don't worry! I'm back, and I'm still typing! Yay! I don't know if that's a good thing or not. Anyways, time for some stuffs. I'm currently working on a roblox puzzle game right now. I was about to create a neocities site on this account for the game, but then that's when I realized that I haven't been typing for 3 days straight. So I had to do what I need to do, keep ya guys updated on my stuff. Yeah, that roblox game is the only thing I can think about. I got some more stuff. Remember when I was starting on this LTE, it was basically just a rainy week? Well, I think all of the depressing rain of over. The past few days have been pretty sunny and nice. Oh yeah! Can't forget me doing all of that swinging business outside! You know, where I go outside and swing while listening to music though my airpods. I've been listening to some nice music while swinging. Out of all of the times I've swinged outside recently, I've listened to Blacksphere almost all of the times. Yes, that's how much I love Blacksphere. Ever since I've discovered the song, I've listened to it almost every time I went outside. Speaking of Blacksphere, you really need to listen to it. If I like it, then you should listen to it too. Alright, enough talking about music and outside. Time to move on to different topics! Recently, I got my room cleaned, and now I've got a lot more room in my room. But I did lose some things that I didn't use anymore. For example, my old TV. Yup, my old TV is gone now, and I only have 1 TV in my room. No worries though, the old TV I used to have in my room is not gone forever. I have an attic in my house, and the old TV is currently in the attic. So thankfully I still have the TV in the house. Now let's talk about Gorilla Tag. Most of the time when I'm playing Infection, I am the last person to get tagged. I'm not the last person all of the time, but most of the time I'm the last person. I also haven't bought any cosmetics yet because I'm saving up my shiny rocks, and plus you don't need cosmetics to show that you're a pro player in Gorilla Tag. So no cosmetics yet. Talking about cosmetics, a roblox game called Friendly Smile 6:06 recently added cosmetics into the game. Ever since Friendly Smile 6:06 got finished with the Aftermath checkpoint, I'm suprised that the game still gets updates to this day. But that could just be me and the fact that ever since I finished Aftermath, I haven't been playing Friendly Smile as much as I was back then. But yesterday, the Viridescent checkpoint get released after months of no level updates. So there is currently only 1 level in Viridescent named Hallucinations. I am one of the victors of the level and now that I've beaten every level in Friendly Smile 6:06, (so far) I don't really play Friendly Smile 6:06 until a new level has been released. If a new level gets released, then I'll play Friendly Smile 6:06 just to beat that level. After that, the cycle repeats. Wait for a level to release, beat the level, repeat. Great, I don't know what to type about again! Imma just look at other LTE's and find something to talk about. Another thing, if you look at the list of LTEs and do the math, you will discover that I'm in the top 10 people with the longest LTE. I know it's not that much of an accomplishment, but I thought that was pretty cool to accomplish. For some reason, the LTE list hasen't been updated in like a month. I don't know why, but some LTEs have been updated ever since 6/1/2023. Like Knockton's LTE. He recently added a new entry to his LTE on 7/3/2023. Because there is a new entry, there are more characters in the total character count. Ever since Knockton finished his latest entry, his LTE is sitting at 522,322 characters. However, the LTE list still says 517,061 characters. That can be a bit misleading for some people, but it doesn't really change the list too much since he still has the longest LTE on the list, so maybe it doesn't really matter. Oh, and also, me and Slashii are neck and neck with our total character counts. Before this entry I had 46,347 characters. And Slashii is currently at 46,434 characters. So I have 87 characters less. IS THAT THE BITE OF 87??? Heh, I'm funny right? You can just say that my jokes are dumb. Anyways, now time for some more flaws in the LTE list. Mckenzie's last update in his LTE was 5/12/2023, and it's currently 7/6/2023. And the list says that the LTE is active. And on the list, Slashii's LTE has gained over 10,000 characters since 6/1/2023. But enough with the list, I've been spending the past few minutes looking at the LTE hub and reading some of them, looking for topics to type about. And I haven't found anything to talk about. I still want to type, but I can't type if I got nothing to talk about. I'm not gonna be able to reach 10,000 characters again. :( It feels like an accomplishment to reach 10,000 characters. Because normally, I don't type 10,000 characters on a daily basis. So typing like around 10,000 characters feels like I did something amazing and not just sit around all day not thinking about anything to do. Ok, here's something to talk about. There's this series that I love to watch sometimes. It's called Shorts and Fillers. Basically, Shorts and Fillers takes some random memes and throws all of them into one single 3 minute video. Some of the clips are questionable, and some of them are hilarious. It used to be on YouTube until the series got removed for some reason. But it's still on Archive.org for yall to watch sometime, or how about you watch it NOW! You should really watch Shorts and Fillers becuase it's funny. If not, then watch it later, or never. I don't really care. I don't think that I've typed a lot, and I really want to find something else to type. Not a lot has happened recently for me to type about. Oh right! Let me talk about my Holiday World experience. There were some rides that I really liked. One of my favorite rides was called Liberty Launch. Basically, you are strapped to a seat, and you get launched up into the air. It's not like those slingshot rides where you're attached to ropes. It's more of like a tower instead. And you go fast to the point where your stomach drops inside of your belly and it feels weird. But despite that, I really like that feeling and I really liked that ride. I also rode a few rollercoasters as well. One of them was called The Voyage. It was pretty fun at Holiday World, but after riding most of the rides I wanted to ride, I got pretty bored after a few hours. There was a waterpark at Holiday World, but I didn't feel like getting myself wet, and I didn't bring swiming trunks as well, so I had fun for a few hours and then wanted to go home after that. So yeah, that's pretty much it for Holiday World. After that, when I got home, I started to swing outside. I grabbed my airpods, and headed outside to swing. And after swinging for a little bit, it started to get dark, and guess what happened when it got dark? Fireworks! Who doesn't love fireworks! And there was a lot of fireworks this time. It was like wherever I looked, there was fireworks. It was like my entire neighborhood area was full of fireworks. That how many fireworks there was. Ok, maybe there wasn't that many fireworks around, but there was plenty oh fireworks to have me looking everywhere in my neighboorhood just to see them. Then I went inside after swinging with the fireworks, I went inside, and that's pretty much it. The fireworks were still going when I was outside, and I just ended up listening to the sounds of the explosions in the sky until they stopped. So that's it for the fireworks part of the entry. And no more things to type about! Awesome! Great! Amazing! Terrific! Sweet! What words can I think about to describe running out of things to type about? I don't know! But it's awesome! Alright, I think I've typed enough for today. My main goal for these entries is to get over 5,000 characters, and I think I've accomplished that. So, Imma head out for the day, and I'll see you guys tomorrow! Or the day after tomorrow. Or never... Nah, I'll probably type tomorrow lol. Anyways, peace out yall!
Entry 8 (7/9/2023 4:28 AM CST) | Character Count: 12,179 | Word Count: 2,283

Hello guys, I'm back, but this time, it's 4:28 AM. Yup, I'm currently typing at 4 in the morning. Ok enough of that intro, time to get to some things I wanna type about. Lately, I've been thinking about a typing schedule. I was thinking maybe typing every other day. Like, if I typed on Tuesday, then I skip typing on Wednesday, then I can type again on Thursday. I was also thinking about when to start this schedule. At first, I was thinking about strarting at the previous entry, but if you look at the dates, you can tell that went well. So, I'm probably gonna start with my schedule here. So after I finish this entry, I can skip typing for the next day. But after that, I have to type again. I hope I made myself clear enough for you to understand. If not, remember, I'm typing at 4 in the morning so don't judge how I currently type. Now time for something quite funny. My friend Diego350 has a Discord server, and sometimes he hosts different events. Today, he hosted an event where they would watch every among us video this one guy posted on YouTube. Sorry I can't remember the guy that made the videos. At first, the event was doing terrible, only 1 person out of 8 people interested joined. After Diego350 decided to ping everyone about the event, he did get like 2 or 3 to join the event, but they didn't last that long either. Due to that, the event ended quickly. Maybe it wasn't a Game Mania event. Almost everyone active in the server participate in Game Mania when a Game Mania event is hosted. This event wasn't Game Mania of some sort, so that's probably the reason why Diego350 didn't get as much people as he does in Game Mania. Now onto the LTE list/hub. The list still hasen't ben updated in over a month. I don't really have high hopes for getting on this list anytime soon judging by how frequent that last update updates. But that can just be Mckenzie busy with other stuff, or maybe he forgot. Mckenzie, it;s you're not a he, then my apologies. I've never seen you before so you can't really blame me. There's also some other LTE's that haven't been added to the list as well. I'm not the only one that's not one the list, because I've been since some other LTE type sites that I've never seen on the list. You can go to Neocities right now and filter by the LTE tag. You'll find two websites not on the list. One of them isn't an LTE for some reason. Maybe they don't actually know what an LTE is, but I don't know I'm not them. And there's the main one, The Book of Monika. It's sitting at a pretty descent character count with a total of 13,357 characters, which makes it have more characters than the lowest person on the LTE list/hub. If you don't remember, it's BusterDdog's Kinda Boring Life with 12,734 total characters. I guess reaching more characters than the lowest LTE on the LTE list/hub is some sort of an accomplishment. Well, it kinda depends on how many days it takes to surpass BusterDdog's LTE. After finishing my first two entries, which were made on two seperate days, I had surpassed BusterDdog with somewhere around 13K characters. I think most of the LTE's on the LTE list/hub surpassed BusterDdog's LTE within 1-3 days. I'm one of those people so there's my victory. Currently 5:03 AM and it's starting to get a little bit of blue lights in the sky. Now with the weather with our weatherman, Falcon. Falcon? GONNA RAIN! Thanks, Falcon! Yesterday it was another rainy day. Very depressing day. But luckily, I was able to get some swinging time outside before it started to rain bad. A few days ago, I made a playlist on YouTube full of music that I like to listen to. Mostly songs I listen to when I'm outside swinging. And I also add songs if I discover a new song I like to listen to when I'm outside swinging. It's almost been an hour since I started typing this entry, and I haven't typed nearly enough that I want to type. I need to think of a quicker solution... Oh, I know spam! Nah, just kidding. I'm not gonna spam as much as I did before. Or Imma try not to spam lel. Even when I compare this to the first entry, it look puny compared. I remember when I was checking the character count on the second entry near the end, and I was shocked by how many characters I had typed. Go to the second entry and look near the end of it. You'll see my reaction to typing around 7K characters. Now that I've type an entry with 13K characters, I can't believe that I had a reaction like that to a 7K character long text. Well, maybe because I've never type that much before in my life. Well, I have typed On Demands in 8th Grade. If you don't know what On Demands are, it's where you are given a certain subject and two sides to that subject. You choose a side and type a 6 paragraph long essay explaining why the side you chose is the best option. The paragraph order goes as follows: Intro, Reason 1, Reason 2, Reason 3, Rebuttal, Conclusion. I can't exactly guess how many characters are in each paragraph, but let's just say that it's not as much as any of these entries. Maybe the first entry might be a little short, but the other entries are standing strong with more and more characters. And I can't think of anything else to type about. Why is nothing going on with my life so that I can type about it? I need to start a terrorist attack, that way, I got something to type about. Lel don't worry. I'm obviously not gonna start a terrorist attack. I mean, how even do you start a terrorist attack? Don't take that out of context. I'm not asking that so I can start my own terrorist attack soon. Totally not... Ok fine, I'm not gonna do a terrorist attack. I feel like I've said terrorist attack too many times, so Imma go on to different topics. I'm looking at Diego350's Discord server, and I've got a new topic. According to Diego350, I'm the most epic gaming person in the server, and I don'y know what I even did to get that role. Like 2 days ago, I was the 3rd most epic gaming person, and now I'm the 1st. I think this epic gaming leaderboard is kinda flawed or something, or that could be just me going crazy from typing. Ok I think Imma take a break and play some Gorilla Tag because I haven't played Gorilla Tag in like 2-3 days. Ok brb. Alright, I'm back from Gorilla Tag. Had a lot of fun playing it, and met some new people. Instead of playing Infection mode, I went on Casual and practiced branching some routes. I also practiced Lucio Running. I'm not perfect at it. Sometimes I can do it, sometimes I can't. Most of the time I can do it, but more often I can't do it. I know how to Lucio Run, it's just that I still need to learn how to master Lucio Running. Ok, while playing Gorilla Tag, I was thinking of this random idea. I was gonna try and get all of the random videos I've recorded on my computer, compile all of the times I scream and put them all into one video. I don't know why I would want to do that in the first place, but it was just an idea I had. I'll probably do it after I finish typing this entry. Last night, I had another Dorito night! Yay! Awesome! Spectacular! Anyways, the videos I watched last night for Dorito night was the Minecraft Xbox Toy Story Adventure Map Series by iBallisticSquid and stampylonghead. Basically, my childhood in 6 videos. I remember watching these video back a long time ago. Ever since I've watched the first video over and over again, I can still remember what they say in the intro for the first episode. Yeah, you should probably watch the videos. You'll prbably unlock some memories you never knew you had before. Also Friendly Smile 6:06 got a summer update. I don't know why, but it did. Basically, the entire lobby got changed to a beach. And there's also gonna be Sublevels of Summer. Apparently, people have gotten the first sublevel of summer, but I don't know how to get to the first level. I don't know if I'll do the sublevels of summer now that I'm talking about it. Since I've beaten the entire game of Friendly Smile so far, there's no need to play the sublevels of summer since they aren't related to the actual story of Friendly Smile. So I might not play the sublevels of summer. I did play the sublevels of Christmas back in December 2022. And I've beaten all of the Christmas sublevels, both legacy and 2022. Do you like using Aliasing on text or Anti-Aliasing? I like using Aliasing because it's easier for me to read. Of course, that's my opinions so if you don't like using aliasing, then don't find my IP Address and send an assassin to come and murderer me. Remember that opinions exist. Wow, it's been over 2 hours since I started typing this entry. About to be three hours! I have typed for longer of course, but having only this much done, and almost 3 hours have past? Maybe that Gorilla Tag break cause time to extend, because I played for over an hour. And now it's bright outside, and maybe I'll go outside and swing soon. Maybe after I finish typing this entry. I'm trying to compare this entry with the previous entry to see how much I'm typed, and it looks to be even. Ok, now that I look again, I think this entry is longer than the previous entry. Imagine if I get 10K characters again. That'll probably not happen today, but imagine. I just realized if I continued typing, I'm just gonna extend the character amount. So I guess that I should just keep talking about reaching 10K characters so that I can reach 10K characters. 10K characters, wow! I couldn't possibly reach 10K characters! Typing 10K characters looks impossible! I know that even if I tried reaching 10K characters, I could still never achieve that big one quad zero. It's just too hard to reach. The hide button hasn't appeared yet, so I don't think that I was near 10K characters when I started typing about typing 10K characters. Should I even get 10K characters or should I just stop right here and do other stuff? I feel like I'm really close to 10K characters, so I think that if I continue typing for long enough, then I'll reach 10K characters. I just realized, if I had been typing 10,000 instead of 10K, then I would've reached 10K characters quickly. Yay! While typing that sentence, I reached 10K characters! Wanna know how? The glorious purple button that says hide. It appears whenever you exceed 10K characters. And now that I see the hide button, I have accomplished one of bigger achievements of an LTE where you type 10K characters. I'll probably not reach 13K characters like how I did on Entry 4, but 10K characters is something I guess. So now that I've reached 10K characters, what do I type about now? Oh, I've got an idea! Let's try and take the longest entry from every LTE of the LTE list/hub and see how long they truly are. Let's begin with BusterDdog's LTE. BusterDdog's longest entry was on Day 5 with a total of 3,043 characters. I know, not a lot of characters, but we're starting at the bottom of the list. So let's move up. Next up is Textra LTE, but all of the text has been bunched into one huge square of text, and I'm too lazy to seperate the entries, so Imma skip all of the LTE's that don't have all of the entries seperated and the ones that just look confusing in the source code. Slashii's longest entry was on Day 2 with a total of 15,347 characters. Big boost, big we haven't reached the top yet. Pink-ish Pickle's longest entry was on Day 1,099 with a total of 7,831 characters. Nothing to say here, just nice. Iseycupcake's longest entry was on 3 consecutive days with a total of 8,060 characters. I was too lazy to seperate them, so I went with putting them all together. Mckenzie's longest entry has no date, or entry number, but it has a total of 24,914 characters. Wow, that is certainly a lot. Probably the most characters typed on an entry in an LTE.k Anyways, congrats Mckenzie. So that's all of the LTE's with each of the entries seperated and their longest entries. I just realized that Knockton's LTE has an archive with all of the entries seperate. I would do it right now, but I'm too lazy right now. Maybe I'll do it on the next entry. Anyways, I feel like this entry has been going on for a while now, and think that I should take a well deserved break. Anyways, I'm out of here. Goodbye.
Entry 9 (11/2/2023 3:18 PM CST) | Character Count: 14,000 | Word Count: 2,637

Almost 4 months. ALMOST, 4, ENTIRE, GODDAMN, MONTHS, and no entry. And back then, I was typing actively like that. But anyways, welcome to the long awaited 9th entry of Falcon's LTE! So, since I made a return and I'm typing again, I'm gonna have to get back into the swing of things. You know, getting to 10K characters? Oh crap my two cats just started fighting each other as I was typing. I dont know why they fight. If I haven't told you yet, I have two cats: One named "MahMoud" and one named "Simon", but most of the time I call Simon "Baby Kitty". Now back to the current topic. No idea why they both fight each other. They prabably fight at least once everyday. Its like MahMoud is just chilling around, and then Simon comes up to MahMoud and just starts having beef with him. Really dumb. Anyways, time for the weather! It's now getting to that time of year. No more fun and games outside, and no more swimming, as it's getting to cold outside. In three days, all clocks will be shifting an hour back due to keeping up with the time it turns dark. Also, the leaves from trees are starting to fall to the ground as well due to fall/autumn. Get it? Leaves are FALLING, we're in FALL season? My dog just sneeze in the other room, so I think that means my jokes are terrible, or maybe she just had the sneeze. On the topic of sneezing, here's a terrifying fact: Your heart actually stops beating for a second when you sneeze. Crazy, right? It's like while sneezing, you die for a second, then you wake back up all like lalala nothing happened. So remember, next time you sneeze, just know that you're heart stopped beating for a second. Simon just hopped onto the couch I'm on, and is now walking around me as I type this. He just walked around my lap for the second time. What does he think he's doing? He tried clawing my legs, but I stopped him. Now, he's laying next to my left leg. I'm narrating al of this as it's happening right now. So whatever Simon does, I'm typing it down in real time. Ain't that cool? Here's something cool. On 9/13/2023, the LTE list/hub site got updated and some new LTE's were added, one of which is my LTE! YAY! I can now let people know that I exist. Anyways, it currently says it's active, so I better type this quick to keep it active if it's not already dead at this point. I actually have a goal in mind for this entry. I wanna try and surpass WhileTrue's LTE (71,427 characters) and The Pink-ish Pickle LTE (73,163 characters). I'm currently at 66,900 characters, so it is possible to accomplish the goal in this entry from where I'm standing. I need at least 6,263 characters to tie with The Pink-ish Pickle LTE, and looking at my previous entries, I'll say that I will accomplish my goal. My first entry was over 6K characters, so this does seem like an easy challenge. I don't even know where this should be treated like a competition, but on the LTE list/hub, from the looks of it, it's set up from longest, to shortest. So, Imma just pretend that it is a competition. Come on, I just wanna have some fun, and if I pass you, then sorry, but you gotta learn how to get some time on your hands and type more than you do. All of my entries except entry 5 have gotten over 5K characters. So if you wanna type that much, then I'd learn how to type faster and when to type at the correct time. Ah, crap... Ran out of thing to type... Come on, I can do this! I don't need to talk about my life to get 10K characters! I can just talk about the most random thing ever! I can just type differently in a way to turns short sentences into long sentences! For example, I could say "I went outside and swang while listening to music." but that's too short. We gotta make it longer in order for it to work! So what you could is this "I was inside, bored, when I decided that I wanted to go outside and swing. The only problem was that it's cold outside. So, I went and grabbed my jacket, put on my shoes, and before going outside to swing, I also decided that just swinging could get boring. So, to distract myself, I thought that listening to music while swinging would be a great idea. So, I went and grabbed my airpods, put the airpods in my ears so they could connect to my phone, then I went outside to swing and listen to music." Look at that! That whole sentence took 500 characters, exactly! I wasn't expecting that sentence to be exactly 500 characters, but hey, progress has been made! Another thing, now that my LTE is on the LTE list/hub, I've been getting some attention from other LTE'ers like the previously mentioned Pink-ish Pickle. Currently, my name (Falcon) has been mentioned three times on his/her LTE, one of them links to my website. That's the first LTE I thought about looking for my name in there, so let's go back to other active LTE's and look for my name in them. Next, Knockton's Potato LTE has mentioned my name 3 times as well. Oh btw, Knockton, idk if you're even reading this, but about the concepts that are from yours, like the archive and the character count as the top, if you want me to remove them, then I can. The entry formatting from Slashii's LTE has a reason. I was inspired by Slashii's LTE to try and make my own LTE So, that's one of the reasons why I decided to include entry formatting. Fun fact, me and Slashii know each other on Discord. But anyways, thanks Knockton for letting me know that people know about me. And those are the only two LTE's that I know of that mentioned my name in their LTE's. So, I just figured out that Knockton is actually reading these entries. I found this out when he talked about me explaining about the number "Googol" from entry 2. Honestly, I'm suprised. I wasn't expecting anyone to be reading any of these entries at all, but I guess some people are interested in my stuff. So, I'm just gonna shut up, and stop talking about Knockton, because at this point, I've mentioned his/her name too many times, and I fear that people are gonna think I have a crush on him/her. So, I'm just gonna move on to different topics. Goodeness, the very end of my last entry says that I should take a well deserved break. Uhmmm... is almost 4 month a good enough break, or should I wait longer? I don't know lol. Wanna insult your friends but don't wanna make them mad? Well, all you gotta do it type "lol" after your insult, and now they won't be angry! For example "My last tennis match took place on your forehead lol" See how much friendlier that looks with the "lol" as the end? Without the "lol" it soulnds like you just wanna piss them off and get sucker punched in the face. But when you add "lol" at the end, it's way better. This has been Life Tricks with Falcon XWPlays! *The More You Know* Wow, that was stupid lol. Did I just use my own Life Trick? I wanna stop talking about that now! To be honest, it gets pretty boring typing all of this at some point. It's like I wanna be with someone, that way, if they wanna talk, then I can talk to them, and best of all, I can type stuff in my entries! New ideas have been made! Wanna add stuff to your entry but don't know what to talk about? Just talk with someone while you type, and then, while talking with them, they might spark something that you have interest in and would like to type about! It's simple! But the only way I know how to cure boredom while typing if watching YouTube videos while typing. I've done it before with previous entries, so why not do it in this entry as well? Imma go load up a video now! Alright, the guy I'm watching this time is named Vargskelethor. If you don't know who he is, he is a Twitch streamer that's part of vinesauce. He uploads his full streams onto YouTube, and he overall a funny guy. He's so funny to the point where you get used to it, and don't laugh until he says something really funny or until something really funny happens. The video I'm watching from this guy is him playing bootleg NES games. AKA 400-in-1 cartridges. One of the things I dislike about this HTML editor is that you can't see which words are misspelled. Usual, when you're typing misspelling are marked with red lines under them. But in this HTML editor, it doesn't do that, so you don't know which words you typed are spelled correctly or not. LOL, in this video I'm watching, the game "Mortal Combat 4" is misspelled to say "Mortal COLBAT 4". Maybe the people making the cartridge were experencing the same problem with the thing not showing the red lines under misspelled words. Who knows how many misspelled words are in that cartridge. Alright, enough spoilers! If you wanna watch the video, then go to YouTube, search "[Vinesauce] Joel - Chinese NES Bootleg 400-in-1 Cartridges" and click the first video that comes up. Remember, it's a Twitch stream, so it'll be long. But in the end, it'll be worth it in the long run. I feel like only four LTE's on the LTE list/hub are active. Knockton's, McKenzie's, Pink-ish Pickle's, and Mine. I feel like there should be a sub-category of LTE's when there are only active LTE's. I don't know is McKenzie will add that idea to the LTE list/hub, and I don't even think he will because the page barely get updated, so I don't have high hopes for anything happening recently. Oh, and if you're wondering, 10,000 characters in this HTML editor covers 3/4 of the entire screen in full screen mode. Do you guys ever confuse the words screen and scream? I still sometimes do that. For example, a minute ago. While typing the word screen, I typed scream like two times on different occasions. Alright, I'm getting close to 10K characters, because according to my awesome calculations of math enducing trauma, almost 3/4 of the enite screen is filled. So I better get typing in order to see that glourious purple hide button of dreams. Come on, any time now. Where is it? I swear, it was around here that 10K characters was reached. Does the purple hide button not show when 10K characters are typed? I don't know, I'm just gonna continue until that purple hide button appears, then, I don't know, I'm just gonna sit here and touch myself for the rest of the day. Anyways, how was your day? You should try doing your own LTE sometime. All you need is a keyboard- AY THE PURPLE HIDE BUTTON APPEARED! BOYS, SCORE! WE DID IT! EVEN AFTER 4 MONTHS OF NO TYPING, WERE STILL HITTING THAT 10K CHARACTER COUNT! LET'S GO! Ok, back on topic. All you need to make your own LTE is a computer, a keyboard, a spare keyboard just incase your previous keyboard breaks, and either a pretty eventful life, or a big imagination to type as much as us LTE'ers can type. Bro, its only 6:40 PM CST where I'm at, and the sky is already black. Dang, time really does fly in the outside world, doesn't it? All of the people saying that time flies, you're were correct, kinda. I wanted to at least make a return and still impress people with my typing skills, and I think I did it. Haven't checked the character count yet, because I'm still typing all of this out. Does anyone here know about Scratch? You know that coding website that so simple and kid can understand it? Yea, um, I have a scratch account. If you wanna know, the account is "AnimatedChild". What? The username? I was 9! Okay? I created this account 5 years ago. So, with a little bit of math, I'm currently 14 years old. Oh crap I just doxxed my age. If you wondering why I kept my username, on the lovely world of Scratch, you can't change you're goddamn username! How cool is that? Once you set your username, it's staying like that forever, and you can't do anything about it! So, just a reminder to not create an account and set your username to something stupid, or else you'll be stuck with a name like "AnimatedChild" because when you think about it, I'm not a child anymore. I don't have a child voice anymore, and I got hair on my dick. Does that sould like something a child would have? Huh? I didn't think so. Now go brush your teeth. Ok, I'm 4 lines away from filling the entire screen with text, and that's pretty cool. After that previous sentence, there are now three lines left now. Should I try and get more characters than my longest entry ever? If you don't know, it's entry 4 with a total of 13,191 characters. And it's one line over the screen view. So I believe getting over 13K character is possile at my current position right now. So let's do it! Oh yeah, two lines left until the screen is filled with text. Almost 1 line left. Hold on, lemme get it to one line left. There we go. Anyways, in the meantime, I should talk about my current school life. I'm currently in 9th grade which means my first year in a high school! I get a lot more freedom in high school, and it's a lot easier than I was expecting to be. In my first period, one of the things we learned about was writing cursive. If you don't know, it's the fancy text that connects together. I can write cursive pretty good, so I just sit there while the teacher is teaching about cursive thinking why am I learning about this when I can write cursive fine? I can read cursive. I can read my own cursive, I don't know about others reading my cursive. But as long as I can read my cursive writing, then I think that I'm good at writing cursive. Anyways, It's almost the end of my first trimester. Actually, tomorrow is the final day! I don't know whether at the end of the trimester, there will be a break or not. Probably not because every week we all go to school. But that's just a guess. Wanna know something sad? My school blocked the neocities website. I don't know why, but if you're smart enough, then that's when you realize that I can type here at school. And to think of other ways to waste my time at school. Anyways, this whole entry has covered the entire screen, which is prbably telling me that I've typed enough and should take a break, but not too long of a break. Anyways, I should listen to my screen and stop typing for now. I'll be back for more typing. Hopefully, I won't take 4 months to get myself to type again. Anyways Later!
Entry 10 (11/9/2023 7:50 PM CST) | Character Count: 9,556 | Word Count: 1,799

Yoooo what's up my brothers and sisters! It's ya boy, Falcon, in da haouzzzzze! Yeeeaaahhhh! Anyways, this is my 10th entry to this LTE. 10 entries is one of the minor milestones you can get to on LTE's, but damn, some of these LTE's on the LTE list/hub have like 50 entries in them. Jeez yall spend a lot of time on your LTE's. I mean, I'm not complaining or anything, but don't yall have stuff to do? Like don't yall have chores or not? I don't know. Goodness, my parents are watching something downstairs, and I haven't even went to check. Wanna know how I know they're watching TV? Because I can hear it from my room. My house is two stories, and my room is on the second floor. THat should give you and idea on how loud they got the TV to be right now. Anyways, do all of my LTE'ers out there reading this: Do yall ever get that one feeling where you're typing your entry, and you're not even like 1000 characters in, and you just wanna stop? That's kinda me right now. But you wanna know what? I found an easy fix! Just load up a YouTube video! Simple solution! Ok I got a YouTube video loaded up right now. To my LTE'ers: Do yall load up something to watch while you type? It be on a whole new level peoples. You can now not only just type senteces, but you can get some entertainment so you don't bore yourself mid-type! Isn't that amazing? You're probably wondering what I'm watching this time. This time, I'm watching this guy named "Sam Tabor". He's that one guy that does skateboarding and trickshot videos. I'm currently watching one of his ping pong trickshot videos while typing. He's a pretty cool dude. Ok, now what to type about... OH! I know! So I find it interesting knowing that people are actually reading all of this. I don't know it they're reading ALL of it, but at least someone knows that all of this text has a purpose. Anyways, active LTE'ets, let's play a game. In your next entry, somewhere, tell me what 2 plus 2 equals. Can't wait to see some of your epic responses, that is if you remember. I mean, you dpn't have to do it, but just something I wanna try. Maybe different LTE'ers can have conversations via entries. Actually, let's make that a thing. But for now, different topics. So it turns out that people have made actual character counters on their LTEs. I'm surprised people can made character counters in neocities. I tried making one, but for some reason, the number wouldn't show. It would still show the placeholder text. Maybe if you have a character counter in your LTE, give me some tips to make a character counter with this layout. Or just make me one, don't really matter. And now for the weather! So, daylight savings happened and now it turns night at around 5PM. Does that seem to early? Well, it does. I'm too used to it turning night time at around 9PM so, seeing it turn night 4 hours earlier it a bit bewildering. I just opened another chrome tab while typing this sentence. Now for an update on school. So, I'm currently on the second trimester, and I got some new classes. I don't really care about the classes that I get. The school made my schedule, and obviously, they're smarter than me, so the schedule I get, I'm keeping it. This time, my classes are Algerbra, FCS and FCCLA, two of my classes are the same, and they're 3rd and 4th, which means that I can just stay seated in that classroom and not walk. It feels soooo good. Man, without any competition, it feels like I'm typing for no reason. And that's something I don't like. I always wanna type for a reason, and that's what gets those high character counts. I had made some games on Roblox as well. I'm a pretty good scripter if I say so myself. I have made a bossfight before, and they're not that hard to create. I know some of you are like, WDYM MAKING BOSSFIGHTS ARE EASY? THEY'RE COMPLICATED AS HELL! Well, I'm assuming that you at least have some coding knowledge in order to create a bossfight. Matter of fact, I made a bossfight template so I don't have to create a bossfight from scratch everytime. I'm smart right? ... Shut up... Anyways, what else to talk about? I really don't wanna stop typing, but I'm not in the mood to type as well. I'm contiplating whether to stop typing or not. In my brain right now, I'm wondering whether that entry is even 4000 characters long. The 6000 character entry was almost half of the entrie screen, so judging by the length of this entry, it doesn't even look like it's 4000 characters. So now I'm mad. Please, LTE'ers. If you're reading this, give me some things to talk about. I have nothing. I'm dead inside while typing these out. I could just look at other LTE's and get some ideas, but that actually sounds like a good idea, so Imma go do that. So I might as well talk about what I did in school today. So in my 4th period art class, we did this thing where we took a blank sheet of paper, and we drew something random on it. Then, we would pass the paper to our next-door neighbor, and then we would draw random stuff on the new sheet of paper. The process repeats untill you get your paper back. My paper started as a string of shapes with increasing sides. It went like dot, line, heart, triangle, square, pentagon, hexagon, and octagon. I stopped at octagon and I skipped drawing a heptagon because I can't draw a heptagon. Then, when I got my paper back, I couldn't remember what else was added, but people decided to continue on making a shape pattern and about 1/4 of the paper was covered with random shapes. They probably didn't know about the shapes increasing in sides and just added random shapes to continue on with the pattern. But if any of my 4th period art classmates are reading this, which none are because I haven't showed this site to anyone because neocities is blocked on out computers, now you know what I was trying to do. Another thing, they someone flipped my paper upside down. The original drawing had the shapes in increasing side order, but the final drawing had the shapes in decreasing side order. I don't know how that happened. I mean, I kinda understand the shapes looking random to any normal person, but how did someone pass the paper to someone else in a way that flipped the paper upside down? I don't know myself. Maybe you know, but I don't. But yeah, that's what happened in 4th period. I didn't talk about my 5th period class I just realised. My 5th period class is Gym/P.E. So far in all of my times in P.E. we just did whatever we wanted what was available for use. Today, and yesterday, we walked/ran across the entire gym and after that, we did stretches, and then after that, we did whatever. So far I'm liking all of my classes I've gotten. Remember Dorito Nights? Man, I haven't had one in a bit. I still like Doritos btw, I just happen been thinking about having a Dorito Night lately. If you don't remember what Dorito Nights are, I would wait until it's like 10PM, I would grab a bag of Doritos, geab a Coca-Cola, load up some YouTube videos to watch, and I wuld eat Doritos and drink Coca-Cola while watching YouTube videos. I love Dorito Nights. I don't know why I don't have Dorito Nights a lot anymore, but it don't really matter. Ok, I think I'm at 6000 characters right now, and my gut is telling me to stop typing, but I don't want to stop typing. What do I do from here? Do I stop, or do I continue typing? I'm confused. Someone please help me right now. I know I don't have to make all of my entries this long, but it feels like I've accomplished something when I type like 10000 characters so I just keep typing. I'm over half of the screen filled with text, and I feel like I can do this if I just keep going on and type type type. Just like that. If you wanna know, my setup is me in my bed, and my computer in my lap. That's it. I'm currently typing this on my bed in my setup right now. I don't know if it's helping my typing, but I'm still typing right now, so I'm still gonna stay in my bed and type all of this. Imma admit defeat, I might not get 10000 characters in this entry, but I'm gonna get a pretty decent amount of characters before I leave for the night, because it's almost 9PM, and I wanna do something else to past the time. Alright, so I checked to character count of this entry, and I think this is a good amount of characters to have in an entry, so I think I might stop here. Watch me jinx myself and continue typing for another hour. I think it might happen, because after some reconsideration, I might continue typing because I'm getting close to what I want to get. Imma try typing faster to waste less time on typing. But it I type faster, then Imma run out of things to type quicker because I'm typing all of this quickly, and while typing, I'm not thinking about anything else to type about, so Imma just be siting here, thinking about random things in my life to talk about that you probably won't care about. That's sad. I'm sad. Waaaa. Ok I'm sorry, I just wanna reach 10000 character right now and see that beloved purple hide button. Bruh, my computer says that there's heavy rain outside, but it's not even raining outside. The computer is lying to me! I gotta get a new computer now. Hang on, lemme get a new computer. Alright I got a new computer, let's see if it's accurate. IT STILL SAYS HEAVY RAIN? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Oh wait, this is the same computer LOLS! ROFL! LMAO! HAHA! Alright, I think I might stop for now. I know I said that already, but I think I'm being serious this time around. So, thanks for reading, do a backflip, kiss your mom, and I'l see you later. Peace!
Entry 11 (11/20/2023 4:56 PM CST) | Character Count: 16,836 | Word Count: 3,244

Hello everybody! I'm back again! 11 days have passed and I haven't made another entry... Hey! 11 days, 11 entries! I didn't plan that btw. At least it was almost 4 months like last time, am I right? Sorry for not updating you guys with any entries for a few days. It just happens when nothing interesting happens in my life so I can type about it for another 10K characters. But at least I can type about random things. Another problem with typing about random. There's not a lot of details for me to type about for 1000 characters so I have to think of a bunch of different things to type about. But sometimes I don't have a big imagination so I can't think of anything. That's really sucks when you have to type an entry everyday. Entries 1-6 were in a row, but then it started to go downhill because I had nothing to type about. The reason I'm typing right now is because I got a DM from someone on Discord named "rewNOTrue". We didn't have any mutual servers or mutual friends, so I was a bit skeptical on friending her. But I decided to friend her because why not. She then said that if I didn't make Entry 11, she would die, and I don't want someone to die and it'd all be my fault. So, here you go rewNOTrue! I don't know who you are (either Pinkish Pickle or Knockton) but hi, thanks for letting me know I exist in life. Oh btw, we have a winner! Who? The winner of the Pinkish Pickle! What did he/she win? Nothing! Why did he/she win? Because she answer the question correctly! In the last entry, I asked what 2 + 2 was, and Pinkish Pickle said 6, which was correct! It was 4 or fish or BS, it was 6. Congratulations! And Knockton was a bit too slow because he/she hasn't even made another entry since 11/8, which was 1 day before I asked the question. So sorry Knockton, maybe next time. Btw, we are almost at 100K characters! We're currently at 90K+ characters, and it's only been 10 entries! Man, that's a lot of typing. And the LTE list/hub got updated! FINALLY! I'm currently 9th on the list which is pretty good in my opinion. Well, if RainbowFluffySheep's LTE Part 1 and part 2 were together, then I'm in 8th. You don't know the effort it took to get to 9th/8th in the LTE list/hub. It might not look like an accomplishment, but when you start typing your own LTE, you start to realize that it isn't as easy as it looks. But for real though, all you really need in order to type these long long paragraphs in one sitting is a lot of time on your hands, a keyboard and a lot of stuff to talk about. Another thing when typing, when I'm starting to type, in my mind I'm thinking man this could be easy to get 10K characters, but you don't realize how long 10K characters are until you get into the middle of it. You start to realize that 10K characters will take a bit to type because, well, it's 10K characters of course. But you don't really know how much you can type so you're either gonna type a lot, or you're gonna type like 2K characters, and then you're like I wanna stop typing. It's been 30 minutes and I've only typed this much? I do have stuff I want to do, but with someone's life on the line, I can't stop typing at this point. I just gotta keep typing. Just keep typing. Just keep typing, typing, typing. What do we do? We type! Ok, what to type about now? Oh no, it's happening again! I'm running out of things to type! Please, give me some things to type about! Someone is about to die because I can't type, and I really don't wanna kill someone. Oh wait, you wanna know about the stuff I wanna do? Well, I'm working on a roblox game where I take my friends from this group I'm in called T.O.I. (Tower of Idiots) and give them attack so people can fight other players while being a member from T.O.I. Cool, right? Yea? It's trash? Anyways, I currently only have one character finished and it's Spooxter. Spooxter is a member of T.O.I. and he's a pretty cool dude. Most of the time when we're both in a call, we play The Strongest Battlegrounds, or Jailbreak. Fun fact, while me and Spooxter were playing The Strongest Battlegrounds, he said that I should make a game called The T.O.I. Battlegrounds, and I decided to do that. And that's actually the name of the game I mentioned that I was working on. Imagine if Spooxter reads this part. You know what? Imma send him the part that inspired me to make the game to him and see his reaction. HOLY CRAP. I saved the progress of this entry, took a picture of the line, deleted this entry so nobody would see the current progress of entry 11, but before I could save the deleted entry, I accidently went back to the neocities page. For a second I thought I lost all of my progress but then I remembered that I still had my LTE open in other tab so I could take a picture. So I almost lost all of my progress in entry 11, but luckily I still had the entry open in another tab. Ok so I sent the picture to Spooxter and he wasn't able to read it because he was on a phone. If you don't know, that long sliver of text that I took a screenshot with was small in height, and LONG in width. So if you were to send an image in Discord with long width and short height, I can be hard to make out anything without zooming in to see the picture better. So Imma wait until he's on computer so he can read the text, then I'll update you on his reaction later in this entry. So what to do while waiting... DUH, type of course! But what to type about... DUH, my favorite song! So, my favorite song... I don't have favorites because I like them all. But one of my favorite songs I like to mention is called "RUN2ME" by Schwank. It's a pretty good song in my opinion and you should listen to it. It's epic. And with that, I've got nothing to type about. I'm just thinking about things tp type about while I stop myself from typing and doing other things. I really want ot talk to someone while typing because that'll probably entertain my instead of watching YouTube. I know I said that you should watch YouTube while typing an LTE, but for me, after a few days, it can get kinda boring. So I just need someone to talk to while typing. Maybe it'll help me type a lot more than I am currently right now. How about an update on my YouTube channel shall we? My channel is currently at 245 subscribers which is good I guess. Yesterday I uploaded a video called "Friendly Smile 95 Part 3" If you don't know, I have a series on my channel called "Friendly Smile 95". It's an analog horror type series that centers around the Friendly Smile face on Roblox. I was only thinking about having only one part, but then I randomly decided to make a part 2 over a character from a series called "The Diego Show" The character was "Clover". In The Diego Show, clover actually has a friendly smile as his face, but in Friendly Smile 95 Part 2, at the beginning, it shows Clover not having a friendly smile. Why not? Because it was taking place before clover was friendly. But, as the video progresses, Clover was starting to get more and more friendly. Oh crap I'm spoiling the story for you. I really want to type 10K characters in this entry because I only need that much more characters to get to 100K characters and 100K characters is a big accomplishment in the LTE community. I no longer have to be down there among the many people who are in the ten thousands of character and show the people up above that I'm not a newbie typer, I can type a lot as well. Just look at my character count! That's a lot, isn't it! I need to reach the 100K character gang because 100000 is a nice number to look at in the LTE list/hub and it makes people think you are an expert typer. Even though you don't have a lot of stuff happening in your life, you can still type about random things to keep on typing and get those big character counts. One of the only things people care about when it comes to LTE is the character count, and they want to get that character count up there in the big numbers. They didn't name it the Longest Text Ever just to type like 50K characters. No no no, they really want to make the longest text ever just like everyone else in the LTE list/hub. So why don't we just continue to type and get to 100K characters. That's the goal of this entry, to get to 100K characters. I'm thinking about doing something with every 10 entries. Maybe every 10 entries, I will make a new longest entry. Said that the longest entry was like 20K characters long. Entry 20 would have to be more the 20K characters. Then entry 30 would be longer than entry 20, and the cycle just repeats from there. Soon I'll have typed so many characters to the point that I won't be able to get new highest entries because of the absurd amount of characters. But, I could try to. I'll probably forget about the idea that I just mentioned and end up making entry 20 just a normal entry. But whatever, it's just an LTE. I don't really have to put much effort into it for it to count. Ok, maybe I have to put in some effort into typing all of these long entries to let people read them because if I wasn't trying of this, then entries like entry 9 and entry 4 wouldn't exist, simply because I didn't try. But whatever, I'm almost at 10K characters. If you don't know, you need like 3/4 of the screen filled with text in order to reach 10K characters, and from the looks of it, I'm almost there. So, I should be seeing the lovely purple hide button soon. I'll update yall on that as well. Update on Spooxter, he still hasn't read it yet. I'll probably be finished typing this entry and Spooxter still wouldn't have read it, but it's only a matter of time. All I can do is predict what's gonna happen because they haven't happened yet. Anyways, come on! We're so close to the 10K character mark! I can just feel the hide button showing it's presence. Come on out hide button. Please show me your glory. That's all I want to see. Hang on, let me try bribing the hide button. Hey, um, Mr. Hide Button, Ms. Hide Button? If you appear, then I will give you a whole shiny nickel. How does that sound? A nickel for the Hide Button! You could buy us... a piece of gum, I guess... Did it work? I'm not seeing it, so I don't think it worked. CRAP! I thought I was one to something but I guess not- WAIT! THE HIDE BUTTON APPEARED! YAY! IT ACTUALLY WORKED! LET'S GOOO! You know what this means, right? I hit 100K characters! Man, it's really feels great to have such a big number. Anyways, thank you guys for sticking with me on this journey to 100K characters, I really appreciate it. But now... Wait, are you thinking it quitting? LOL NAH FAM I'M NOT QUITTING! I'm gonna keep typing! I can't just abandon my LTE at 100K characters and leave it like that! I gotta hit some more of those big numbers so I can move up the list. Matter of fact, how about we try and get only the active LTE's at the top of the list. The highest inactive LTE has 230,634 characters and I know that I'm nowhere near that much, but I believe with enough training and enough typing, I can reach the high numbers and eventually, work my way up the list. Slashii's LTE is the lowest LTE that's active. I say active because Slashii doesn't really have a schedule. He just randomly thinks about typing and decides to type. It took Slashii 3 months to type his tenth entry, so maybe we just need to wait for Slashii to think about typing again to make his 11th entry. I just started streaming in a call that I'm currently in with two other people. I'm sharing my neocities page so the people can see me type as I type. They don't really sound interested in my typing so I might as well stop streaming, or maybe I'll just keep streaming I don't really know at this point. I'm just excited that I reached 100K characters after 11 entries. Does 11 entries sound like a short amount of entries to reach 100K characters? Well, in my opinion, it feels like it's too soon. I wasn't really expecting to reach 100K characters in just 11 entries. Alright, no one was looking at my screen anymore, so I stopped streaming because why share my screen just for nobody to look at it? Should I try and beat entry 9 in characters? Entry 9 has exactly 14K characters and currently is the longest entry out of all of the entries. So, if I were to surpass entry 9 in characters, then I would also surpass RainbowFluffySheep's LTE Part 2 since it only has 102,992 characters. Someone left the vc I'm in. And the other person left as well. So Imma leave too. Crap, I'm not gonna reach the 14K mark now because I have no one to be with while I type. But I might just get too carried away with typing about a random topic to the point where I type and extra 10K characters and be like WOAH how did that happen? I was just typing about this and then all of a sudden 10K more extra characters appeared out of nowhere! Ay, the entire screen is filled with text now! That's good right? Or is that too much typing? Nah, not at all. It's not too much typing according to LTE standards. If you think you've typed too much, just keep typing. Just keep racking up that character counter because that's the whole point of an LTE. Getting those high character counts really puts the flavor into LTE because they're called Longest Text Ever for a reason. I feel like it's typed about this before... I don't even know anymore. I'm just typing so I can get a new longest entry. That all started because someone DM'ed me about entry 11. At this point, I'm pretty sure I just saved a life. Almost 2 hours later, here I am, sitting in bed with a big block of text on my computer screen just adding on to it. Isn't that amazing? What's the longest entry that has ever been typed on an LTE? I don't know... I think it's around 15K-16K characters. Yo Knockton, if you're reading this, what's longest entry you're ever typed. Why am I asking you? Because you're the one with the longest LTE on the LTE list/hub, so of course I'm gonna ask you. For now, I'M just gonna settle with around 16K-18K. Watch me exceed my current goal by like 5K. Lol. That probably wont happen, but it it actually does happen, then I'll crap a brick. So far, it's looking like it's about to happen. But I count be way off. I haven't check the amount of characters in this entry yet. Most of the time, I wait until I'm done typing my entry, then I check how much I typed so I can get a better reveal. I don't know why it feels better, but shut up okay? I'm not you guys. I don't like to check how many characters I'm at while typing. I probably only did that in the first 2 entries and that's about it. Wow, I've probably exceeded entry 9 at this point, but my gut is telling me to continue typing. Is it because I got 100K characters? Is it because I want to impress people with how much I type? Is it because I want to break some LTE records? I don't really know. But because this is an LTE, I just gotta keep typing. I wanna keep raising those numbers. Get those big numbers and break those records. If people want to break these records I'm about to hit, then they gotta work for it, you know? I can't just let them off with and easy challenge. I'm not trying to encourage you to break these records, but if you ever do, then I wish you the best of luck. Anyways, my parents are about to order Papa John's, so I might have to stop pretty soon. So while I wait for Pap John's, I better use the time wisely to keep typing and to make some progress. But there's one major problem... I GOT NOTHING TO TYPE ABOUT! Oh, now I got something to type about! My cat MahMoud just came into my room! Remember MahMoud? One of my cats? He just hopped onto my bed and is ready to take a rest. How did MahMoud get into the room? Well, my dad came into my room asking what I wanted from Papa John's and when he left, he didn't close the door all the way. I was too busy typing so I didn't get up and close it. So MahMoud used his head to open the door and walk inside. Cool story, right? Anyways, have you guys been seeing any ladybugs in your house lately? I currently see one in my room right now and he's on the wall. Lately, I've been seeing some ladybugs around my room. One time while I was playing VR, a ladybug landed on my right shoulder. Another time, a ladybug went on my computer. I wasn't really paying attention to the ladybug, so when it just popped out it's wings and started flying at me, I legit exploded. I immediately took cover, but once I realized it was the ladybug, I did all of that for nothing. It's really embarrassing, I know. Anyways, enough typing, I think it's finally type to end it here. After 2 hours of typing, I think I've made a lot of progress. Hope you had a fun time reading all of this. And this won't be the last of me on this LTE. In the words of Missidaxio, "No limits, just goals." My hands can finally have a rest from typing. Thank you for reading all of this, and until next time! Bye!
Entry 12 (7/20/2024 4:44 PM CST) | Character Count: 11,208 | Word Count: 2,126

Well crap. I've messed up big time haven't I? 8 months of inactivity. I'm suprised my LTE didn't get an archive in that time. But hey! I'm back to typing. This one guy on Discord is gonna be so happy when I finish this entry. Probably not for long. I'll probably make this entry and just leave for another few months lol. Idk, only time will tell. Anyways, why haven't I been typing here? What's going on? Well, I'll tell you what's going on... Nothing. Nothing interesting is going on for me to type a whole entry on. Some stuff did happen recently, but notice the keyword "recently". These evetns happened during the last month. That's it. Anything past that, nothing of interest. So, what are these recent "events" that happened recently? Let's go over them shall we. So, do you know the game "Quiplash"? It's a game where you get a prompt and then different people type different responses to that prompt. And then you vote between two people and choose which prompt you like better. Sorry, I just sneezed. If you keep that up throughout the entire game then that's called the good ending. But in the forst round, if nobody does anything and doesn't give their responses, the game ends. That's called the bad ending. So where does the bog event come into play. Well, some people have decided to speedrun quiplash. Both good ending and bad ending. I've spedrun both good and bad with some peeps. The bad ending is the main one we're focusing on. The bad ending is basically just rng. The host of the game says different lines each time, and to speedrun the bad ending, you have to get the shortest out of all of the voicelines. During the bad ending, there are 5 things the host will say. The intro line 1 and 2, the round 1 line 1 and 2, and the bad ending line. The host says a total of 23 things for intro line 1, 30 things for intro line 2, 3 things for round 1 line 1, 6 things for round 1 line 2, and 8 things for the bad ending line. So 1/23, 1/30, 1/3, 1/6, and 1/8. All together, the odds of getting the perfect run are 1/49680. Now that sounds crazy, but on the day we got the perfect run, while doing some runs, we found out how the voiceline system works. Oh yeah I forgot to mention me and the peeps got the perfect run and got the WR on bad ending run. This might sound complicated, so just bare with me. Upon starting the first game, all of the voicelines are put into a table in random spots. In the first round, it'll play the first voiceline in the table. Then in the second game, it plays the second voiceline in the table. So say the first number in a table is 4, the second number in a table is 32 and the third number is 16. It'll say 4 first because it's the first in the table, then it'll say 32 because it's the second, and then 16 because it's the third. Back to the voiceline table. It'll repeat the sequence of picking the nth voiceline in the table because it's the nth game until it reaches the end of the table. It'll play the last voiceline in the table. Then when another game starts, the table is refilled with the same voicelines in different spots. The cycle repeats. The same goes for the other voicelines in the game. With this information, we could lower the odds of getting the shortest voceline and getting the perfect run. Everytime we didn't get the shortest voiceline, the odds of getting the shortest voicelines would decrease because there's less voicelines to worry about. And that's why on July 2 of this year, me and Slashed got the perfect bad ending run on quiplash. If the name Slashed sounds familiar, it's because he owns a lte to himself. Yep, on the lte hub, there's one called Slashii LTE. That's him. If you want to see the perfect quiplash bad ending run, then click here. I'm now gonna assume you saw the run. IT'S AMAZING ISN'T IT OH MY GOD. Now time for some lte hub stuffs. I'm currently 7th on the list which is pretty good. If I want to move up anymore, then I'm gonna have to reach 200K. I'm currently at 107K, so it's quite a bit of a jump. But taking a look at my other entries, I might be able to surpass 200K a few entries later. Idk, we'll see. My current goal is to get 2nd place on the list. Why not 1st? Well, Knockton's lte is 1st on the list and it's stayed there for a long time, and I don't want to steal the title from our king. That would be treason. So my goal is to get 2nd place as of now. Let's do some analyzing. Looking at The Pink-ish Pickle's recent entries, they aren't that long. So if I get 3rd on the list, I could surpass The Pink-ish Pickle by around 9K characters. As for Mckenzie, the recent entries are pretty decently long. So it is possible that me and Mckenzie could criss cross between 3rd and 4th. Alright, what else is there? Oh yeah, Knockton redesigned his lte site. It looks nice. One thing I would recommend is putting a gap in the background as well. If you don't know, Knockton does this thing where every year he puts a gap in the text. So knockton, see if you can put a gap in the background behind the text as well. If you can't or you don't want to, then that's alright. It's not like I care. I just joined a vc in a discord server. Let's see if this helps me type better. Well, nobody is talking. What's going on? It's like I'm not even using discord. Wait, someone is sharing their screen, so let's take a look. Maybe all of our questions will be answered. Ok I just started watching their screen and they're watching videos on youtube so now I understand. Yo, I should also watch youtube while typing this. I did it before, so let's do it again. Ok, I'm currently watching Plainrock124 while typing this now. He's a pretty cool guy. Aww man, they stopped watching youtube while I was searching for the video I'm watching. Oh well, like I care. I haven't even reached 10K characters and I got this feeling that makes me wanna stop typing. This is embarrasing. Most of my entries are around 10K or more. I really don't wanna add on to the list of entries that aren't around 10K characters. I wanna be known as the lte'r that only typed 10K characters per entry. I wanna be the guy. Omg the guys I'm in vc with are singing a fnf song and it sounds so gay lmao someone help me hahahaha we're all dead. Anyways, back to reality typing simulator. Everyone in the vc left. That didn't last long now did it. God now I'm out of things to type. I don't want to end this typing session this early. But at the same time, I kinda want to stop. I gotta motivate myself to continue going on. Lemme look at my other entries to see if any ideas for typing comes in my head. Oh yeah one already came! Dorito Nights. Do you remember? Probably not because this lte has been inactive. Dorito Nights are where I eat Doritos as a late night snack. I stopped having Dorito Nights for a bit, but recently I starting doing them again. Ok, let's try something. Let's see how many people are still here after the hiatus. If you're reading this and you own a lte, in your next entry put this string of letters somewhere in your entry: "uIsaKSyZvB" It doesn't matter where. Just somewhere inside of your entry, put that string of letters in it. If you do it, umm, you won't get anything, but it'll be an honor. Ok, time to surf for more typing things ideas. I'm not finding anything and that's a problem because I don't have something to type about. I need to find something to type about right now. Oh I got something. Remember when I was talking about Quiplash? You probably do because it wasn't that long ago. Well, the host of quiplash actually has a name. His name is "Josh Schmitty". If you saw the perfect run I linked earlier, then you would've known that. One joke I would do during the quiplash bad ending runs was name myself "Cock Schitty". It's funny isn't it? Right? It's trash? Ok. I need to get back into the swing of things. I need to speed up this typing session if I want to reach those high character counts. I want to get this juicy purple colors hide button to appear again. OH YEAH, the hide button that appears when you've typed over 10K characters as a reminder that you typed so much and that you should probably stop typing because 10K characters is enough. I know that hide button is tempting me to stop typing but for a guy like me, I just wan't to continue going. I want to reach those even higher character counts that are highter than 10K characters. For example, Entry 11. It's the longest entry on this lte, standing at 16,836 characters. It'll probably stay as the longest entry for a bit until I reach entry 20 and make that the new longest entry. Or maybe this entry right here is the new longest entry! I highly doubt it. Speaking of character counts, is my total character counter at the top of this page even accurate? Is this lte currently standing at 107,292 total characters as I'm typing this? (Excluding this entry) Idk, I feel like I should do a recount just in case if something went wrong and I made a mistake somewhere. Then again, I should probably get a character counter that's automatic and updates itself. On Knockton's lte, the character counter updates itself, but mine doesn't. I think I remember trying to add a automatic character counter myself on this lte but it didn't really go so well. I couldn't get it to work and I decided to stop trying before I ended up destroying my lte. Probably after this entry I'll try again, but for now, Imma get counting. brb. Alright, I did a recount, as there were some minor mistakes with the character and word counters. These mistakes were only 1 or 2 characters off, but I have fixed these mishaps and now it's accurate! I feel like I'm really close to 10K characters because almost the entire screen is filled up with text and it continues to fill the screen. I'm starting to get impatient. And I don't like getting impatient. So we need to hurry up and get this ball rolling. I need to type about the most random stuff just so I can get to 10K characters and finally be done with this entry once and for all. I really wanna try changing the character counter to an automatic one so I don't have to worry about inaccuracies inside of my typing. Oop- there it is. There's the hide button. Wow, that took a bit. 2 hours. How long did it take for the other entries to reach 10K characters? Idk I didn't keep track. But anyways, yay! Alright, what to do now? I mean, I could try to make an automatic character counter right now, but that'll mean this entry will be seen to everyone who sees this page, and I don't want that to happen just yet. So imma just continue typing away like my life depends on it. Oh the peeps from the vc I was in earlier are back in the vc so Imma join back. Nice. The silence was getting to me and I was about to go crazy. But luckily I was saved. Maybe they were taking a break idk. But yo, we reached 10K characters again. That's gotta mean something, right? It means you get to read for much longer than if I were to just stop earlier. I even said earlier that I was thinking about stopping. I knew it was a good idea to continue typing anyways. Alright, welp. Should I call it quits now? I got to 10K characters and I'm still running out of things to type. Ok yeah Imma head out now. Later.